A betting website in Ireland (where gambling is legal) reports that lots of bets are being placed on alien life being discovered in the next 3 years, after spectacular photos of a UFO flying across Dublin were taken on New Year’s Day (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). It’s about time we had disclosure!

The odds on aliens landing anywhere in the world before 2013 have now gone from 500/1 to just 100/1. If the stock market was doing this well, no one would be out of a job.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

What may be happening – UFOs are well known for stopping cars dead as they hover above them. How do they do it? Car chases are common on the nightly news in Los Angeles, and they’re also dangerous. If police could figure out how to stop cars in their tracks the way UFOs do, there would no longer be a problem, and maybe they have.

The secret is electromagnetic pulse, which only works if vehicles that have on board computers (which most cars now do). In PhysOrg.com, John Messina reports that the Air Force is now trying to develop a non-lethal weapon that can stop cars (and tanks). If a suspected suicide bomber drove a car or truck through a barrier, it would be one way to stop him from driving into a crowd where he could detonate his device.
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Yes, and they’re studying LIGHTNING too! – The entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, who once purchased a ranch in Utah where anomalous events occurred, has formed a new company called Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies.(BAASS), which has been recruited by the FAA as one of the reporting centers for UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena.

All Headlines News Service reports that Bigelow’s earlier venture, the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS), which was a contact center for UFO reporting in the past, is now defunct.
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If contact comes? – Will the Visitors reveal themselves soon? Whitley’s new journal talks about why contact may not come until our brains are ready for it. And for subscribers, Anne Strieber explains how the Grays are CHANGING our brains to make us ready!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more