?because of a FRIEND of his – For many of us, Obama’s presidency leading to UFO disclosure would be a miracle. His recent appointment of Leon Panetta as CIA director shows that this might finally happen?not because Panetta is necessarily for it, but someone he’s CLOSE to him probably IS.

Panetta served in the Clinton administration with John Podesta, who is currently on Obama’s transition team. Podesta has long been an advocate of increased declassification of government documents, and that he was part of the team that helped pass an executive order in April, 1995 that declassified many covert documents. Many of these revealed the FBI’s efforts to figure out the UFO phenomenon.
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In this holiday season, it’s nice to be part of a family where no one laughs at you for talking about your UFO experiences. In that spirit, we post an incredible experience sent to us by one of our readers.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A mysterious UFO crash in Cyprus 35 years ago may finally be solved. In the Cyprus Mail, Nathan Morley quotes Britishsoldier Tom Clarke as saying, “We were all awoken at about 2 am by a brilliant bluish dazzling bright light in the sky, what happened next is hard to explain. There was not an explosion, but we were all hit by a shockwave and fell flat to the ground. The light just disappeared or went out.”
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Beginning on Monday morning, when Clinton White House Chief of Staff and head of the Obama transition team JohnPodesta, along with astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Dan Akroyd, all tell their own UFO stories, CNN’S morning show will spend the week with aliens and UFOs.

Click here to watch the report that includes an update on the Phoenix Lights. Dr. Lynne was the “secret sitter” in Anne’s diary Seize the Day). On Tuesday, CNN will go to Roswell, on Wednesday they will address close encounters and abductions, on Thursday radio astronomy and on Friday the “Mars Worm” picture taken by NASA’S Mars Rover that may be proof that there is or oncewas life on Mars.
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