We recently wrote about a prediction that’s buzzing around the internet and being reported by several mediums. Will aliens arrive today? (Or are they already here). Stay tuned to this website to find out!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In our Insight section, Anne Strieber shares some of the most compelling Communion Letters she’s every read, that indicate to her that these mysterious creatures are either time travelers, visitors from a parallel universe, the dead?or all 3.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

We recently reported on the UFO wave in the UK, which is STILL GOING ON: So far this year 150 UFOs have been reported to police, military bases and the Ministry of Defense, compared to just 135 for 2007, and 97 in 2006. Now a similar wave is hitting Australia as well.

In the Telegraph newspaper, Laura Clout quotes UFO researcher Malcolm Robinson as saying, “Something really bizarre is happening in the skies over the UK. I’ve been dealing in sightings for 30 years and we currently have something very real which mankind cannot explain.”
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And UFOs in NY Times! – Something crashed between Las Vegas and Needles in on May 14 that looked like a meteor, but was immediately followed by large numbers of helicopters, then a large number of large road vehicles, including a truck with a dome on top.

As Linda Howe reported on Dreamland on May 1, something strange also crashed in Decatur Alabama in April, and was observed by the witness she interviewed being removed from a schoolyard and placed into an ambulance. This was a silver, pearl-shaped object.
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