In the latest in the wave of UFO sightings in the UK, glowing “cubes” have been seen hovering over a highway. One of the witnesses is an aircraft engineer in the British military.

In the July 2nd edition of the Telegraph, Lucy Cockcroft quotes Michael Madden as saying that the mysterious object floating above his head “zoomed off at incredible speed?I work with aircraft and grew up next to Manchester Airport so I know exactly what a plane looks and sounds like. This was definitely not a plane. It was a circular disc which was glowing bright, hovering hundreds of meters up. Other people must have spotted it. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life. It really did look like the alien aircraft in films. It had an antenna fixed to the back.”
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The British Isles have seen an unprecedented number of UFO reports this summer. There have been sightings reported across the country from Liverpool to Dover and from Llanelli to Derby, and both civilians and military personnel are among those reporting having seen strange objects in the night sky.Is there some kind of conspiracy going on?
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The British Ministry of Defense (the UK equivalent of the Pentagon) is being asked to launch an official inquiry into a group of recent UFO sightings, one of which was filmed by a soldier on night patrol using his cell phone. The MOD confirms that it has been given the video.

In keeping with its newopenness on this subject and recent releases of previously-classified UFO material, the MOD today faced demands that they launch an official inquiry into the series of recent UFO sightings, many of them in Wales.
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