From Feb. 22 through March 2, in Laughlin, Nevada, you can hear (and meet) many Dreamland guests and hosts, including Jim Marrs, Nick Pope, Paola Harris, Richard Dolan, Roger Leir, Jaime Maussan and crop circle expert Nancy Talbott. To learn more, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

This week on Dreamland, Linda Howe interviews UFO witness Ricky Sorrells, the ONLY witness who saw the north Texas UFO thathas made the national news in daylight. Listen to hisdetailed description of what he saw on Dreamland, and seehis drawings onLinda Howe’ listen to Dreamland, click on the words “Listen Now” onthe right side of our masthead above.)
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UPDATE ON TEXAS UFO! – UFO sighting reports are coming in at this time from aroundthe world in exceptional numbers and at a very high level ofstrangeness. Apparently similar “drifting light” UFOs havebeen observed in Finland and Iraq, and there was a multiple witness sighting of a more standard type of UFO in Texas a few days ago. Linda Moulton Howe is now working on odd spirals appearing in the sky in Canada, Iraq and Germany, and on the Texas case, and will be reporting on Dreamland as the stories unfold. Keep reading for Texas update.
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UPDATE – Now it’s a hoax? Or is the claim that it’s a hoaxthe real hoax? You’ll need to decide for yourself! For helpdoing that, clickhere. Irish explorer Devin Dempsey went on an expedition tothe South Pole on January 6 and claims he saw a US-run alien base there. (We were iffy about this story because of theIce Cube reference…)

In his website blog, he writes: “I can now tell you that the so called Ice-Cube project is in fact the first of a new generation of ARC, as we believe it is known as internally. Think ARC, think Noah. But not in the same way. Noah used his arc to save all life forms from extinction. This new ARC is in a way a reversal of that process. ARC stands for ALIEN RECEPTOR CENTER.
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