A new account of an encounter between US Navy aviators and UFOs–or in this case an unidentified submerged object (USO)–has emerged, courtesy of Commander David Fravor, an F/A-18F Super Hornet pilot that encountered the now-famous “Tic-Tac” UFO that repeatedly buzzed the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in late 2004. Fravorread more

Master UFO researcher Preston Dennett returns to Dreamland with a shocking and amazing story of a strange underwater location that could be a UFO base off the coast of  Malibu in Southern California—and guess who lives right nearby? Whitley, of course.

It seems that the Striebers moved from a UFO hotbed in upstate New York to a UFO hotbed in Southern California. They just can’t seem to stay away!
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John Greenewald’s "Black Vault" site reports that the Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters UFOs. These are thousands of records, dating back to the Soviet era, and reveal that unknowns were mostly reported by submarines and military ships, rather than by aircraft, because they were seen entering and leaving the water.
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