A new paper from an international team of physicists has outlined the possibility that we may be able to detect the gravitational waves that spill out of a malfunctioning warp drive—provided a spacetime-bending craft belonging to one of our interstellar neighbors happens to be nearby—using technology that is already lookingread more

The elusive phenomenon known as dark matter may not actually exist, according to a University of Alabama astrophysicist, due to the possibility that gravity—an effect caused by the curving of the fabric of spacetime—may exist on its own in the absence of mass, despite the long-held assumption that gravity isread more

A civilization of non-human entities could be living here on Earth in facilities hidden deep underground or on the ocean floor, according to a new paper published by three researchers from Harvard and Montana Technological University. The paper explores a wide variety of possibilities concerning both the origin and natureread more

An international team of physicists has found a way for a hypothetical warp drive to operate using ordinary physics, by eliminating the drive’s need for the seemingly-impossible exotic energies that would be required to bend the very fabric of space and time around the traveler. Although the universe imposes aread more