An Amazing Discovery
We have the first evidence that there are other universes out there. The nature of this evidence is quite extraordinary–there are indications that we have, in the past, COLLIDED with them.
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We have the first evidence that there are other universes out there. The nature of this evidence is quite extraordinary–there are indications that we have, in the past, COLLIDED with them.
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Or a lucky accident? – We’ve written about the “Earth-Moon machine,” by which we mean that the presence of the moon in its exact position relative to the Earth, slows down what would otherwise be life-destroying winds that would have halted the evolution of life. We’ve also recently received a respite from global warming. Is this evidence of God? Now a scientist thinks he sees signs that the universe is a product of intelligent design.
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Science is exploring whether or not our universe could be located within the interior of a wormhole which itself is part of a black hole that lies within a much larger universe. If so, it could explain why we seem to be so alone and it’s only one of the many strange theories that are out there.
Physicist Nikodem Poplawski says, “This condition would be satisfied if our universe were the interior of a black hole existing in a bigger universe.” Anne Strieber has postulated that perhaps the Visitors come from a parallel universe, in which case they would probably travel here via a wormhole. It’s something to think about, anyway.
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We can see light coming from distant worlds. How many universes are there? The Master of the Key said there are many and science has recently corroborated this. (Let’s hope that most of them are doing better than we are)!
Instead of the Big Bang producing a single universe, some scientists think it created MANY of them, each one with different laws of physics. The question then becomes, “How many of these exist?” Two scientists have set out to answer this question.
The number that Andrei Linde and Vitaly Vanchurin have come up with is “humungous” (meaning it’s too big for even mathematicians with supercomputers to count). Are some of the beings from these worlds somehow managing to visit ours? If so, we would sure like to know about it.
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