Thousands of ancient rock carvings believed to be 12,000 years old are currently being excavated in India. These petroglyphs, found in the hills of the Konkan region of western Maharashtra, represent a wide variety of artistic styles and depict the forms of animals, birds, fish, humans and geometrical forms. The archaeologists that are documenting them believe that they may be the oldest known examples of their kind — and that the civilization that created them is one that was lost to the sands of time.
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A massive black granite sarcophagus that was unearthed in Egypt’s city of Alexandria earlier this month was opened on July 19, finally revealing its two millennia-old secrets to archeologists. Speculation as to what might be found in the 30-ton enclosure ranged from the lost tomb of Alexander the Great, to the potential for it to contain an ancient pharaoh’s vengeful curse. Unfortunately, no grand warrior-king emerged from the coffin, although it did contain a sort-of curse, albeit in the form of a really bad stink.
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The UK’s Ministry of Defence has declassified the remaining three documents in a series of files regarding UFOs, releasing them to the UK’s National Archives after a series of delays that lasted half a decade. The files, consisting of 2,500 pages formerly classified as "SECRET", paint a picture of government officials tasked with uncovering the secrets behind the advanced technologies powering UFOs — fearing that the Soviet Union and China could unlock those secrets first.
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