Researchers studying the archaeological site at Göbekli Tepe have uncovered the remains of human skulls that have had long grooves deliberately carved into them. The carved skull fragments, belonging to three different individuals, are amongst the remains of hundreds of other skull remains found amongst the site’s ancient T-shaped limestone monoliths, prompting the researchers to believe that Göbekli Tepe may have been home to one of the world’s first skull cults.
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The UK’s Ministry of Defence has released the majority of a series of 18 long-awaited UFO files to the National Archives, but have still withheld three of the documents. This release lacked a press announcement publicizing the event, and the files themselves aren’t available online, as they have yet to be digitized, and are currently only available for mail order or viewing in person at the Archives. And the three files that are sill being withheld are prompting UFOlogists to question what the holdup is — and what exactly are in the three missing files?
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One of ufology’s most high-profile cases is 1997’s Phoenix Lights incident, involving the mass sighting of bright lights arranged in a v-shaped formation over Phoenix, Arizona, on March 13, 1997. Amongst the thousands of witnesses to the event, then-governor Fife Symington would later come forward to report that he witnessed the lights as well — an event that he made light of ten years earlier. And now, actor Kurt Russell has come forward, to report that he was a witness to the Phoenix Lights as well.
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