Unknown Country readers are well-versed in the comings and goings of the various psychic research programs conducted by branches of the U.S. military. In addition to these programs, it turns out that the United States Navy is currently conducting a four-year, $3.85 million research project exploring the phenomenon of intuition and precognition for potential field use by the Navy’s sailors and Marines.
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On March 28, President Donald Trump signed a new executive order ordering the rollback of a large number of environmental policies put into place by the Obama administration. Rules regulating emissions for power plants, methane leaks, the moratorium on federal coal leasing, and consumer-level carbon emissions, are part of the de-regulation called for in the order. But despite this setback to addressing the issue of greenhouse gas emissions, a coalition of 75 U.S. mayors have told Trump that they plan to defy his regressive policies.
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Documents obtained by The National Association of Clean Air Agencies from an anonymous source have revealed President Donald Trump’s plans to make massive budget and personnel cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. This news comes amidst the controversy stirred up by a statement made by incoming EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, having declared that human activity is not a contributor to climate change.

The proposed cuts themselves would entail slashing the agency’s already tight $8.1-billion budget by 25 percent, and cut its 15,376-member workforce by 20 percent. The EPA’s budget and manpower has already been pared back to late-1980s levels, prompting concern over whether or not the agency would be able to effectively function.
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The increasing number and frequency of heat waves experienced around the globe over the past year are adding to the growing body of evidence that global warming is a real danger to human civilization. In 2016 alone, major heat waves, many of them deadly record-breakers, were experienced in Africa, India, the Middle East, and the United States. New South Wales in Australia is currently suffering through more record-breaking temperatures, seeing spikes of 47ºC (117ºF), 12ºC above normal for this time of year.
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