Sometimes, if you’re not getting an answer to a question that you’re asking, perhaps it can help to change the question itself? This turns out to be a new approach to the Drake equation being made by two astronomers at the University of Rochester and University of Washington, to address a shortcoming in astronomy’s famous equation that has made it impossible to draw any firm conclusions from it.
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In a recent interview with CNN, John Podesta reiterated the intentions regarding UFO disclosure stated earlier by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton had previously pledged that, if elected president, she will obtain and declassify as many records as the federal government has available.

Podesta is currently Clinton’s campaign chairman, and says he intends to hold her to her promise of disclosure if she is elected. He also feels the public is ready for disclosure: "The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the legitimate questions that people have about what’s going on with unidentified aerial phenomena, and the American people can handle the truth, so they should just do a thorough search, and open it up."
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I am at the old house in the Texas Hill Country west of Austin where so many of the experiences I related in the Secret School took place. It is as sweet a night as Texas has to offer, softly touched by moonlight, graced by a cool south breeze. Half an hour ago, there were three familiar cries out in the dark, and I think that, after all these years, the visitors might be near me again.

Once, I would have been afraid. No longer. Not that I don’t think that they can be dangerous, but rather that I am surrendered to the unknown. I have never known what they are. Aliens, perhaps. Equally possible, it seems to me, that they are us dancing with itself in some way that we can barely even begin to understand.
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Fear triggers adrenaline, which alters our perception, slowing time and hyper-concentrating our focus. Is fear being used to open us to other dimensions where we can experience and interact with beings in these realms? That is the hypothesis of this week’s guest, Velvet. And as deeply insightful as that question is, the questions don’t end there.

The Experience will be on hiatus next week.

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