All Hallows is a very special season. It is much more that simply dressing up in costumes and watching scary movies. This week, Whitley Strieber honors both the close encounter experience and the moment when the veil between the worlds grows thin by revealing some new material about his early close encounter experiences that have made him think deeply about the whole meaning of the experience and exactly what is happening. There is a dark side to it, no question, and he makes some chilling revelations about how it impacted his own life. But this is a very deep thing that is happening. To embrace it as ‘good’ or ‘evil’ is not the right path to more

Scientists ignore the evidence of visitors to our planet on the assumption that the distances between stars are so great they they could never get here, but new research suggests that something like a ‘warp drive’ may be possible. If so, then the argument is over. The overwhelming evidence of credible UFO sightings and witness testimony must be taken as serious evidence of an alien more

A reflecting nebula in the constellation Orion NGC 1999 shows a black cloud near its center. SETI’s chief scientist, Seth Shostak, thinks suggests these should be studied in the search for extraterrestrial life.

This is called a "Bok globule," named after late astronomer Bart Bok. It’s a cold cloud of gas, molecules and cosmic dust, so dense it blocks all of the light behind it.
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There’s an old fashioned ‘UFO flap’ going on at present. I don’t think that it’s because of new methods of communication like YouTube and the tendency of the internet to amplify provocative claims. There isn’t really any online hysteria about it, at least not yet. In fact, the community of interested parties is quite calm so maybe this time the crazies and the hoaxers will look in other more