Many people experience their first close encounters as children, and "Wade" is no exception. He found himself confronting the visitors when just a child, and when he was un-coperative, saw his parents brought to him in an apparent trance. He was then told that harm would come to them unless he cooperated. Listen as he tells Anne Strieber the unforgettable story of what happened next.

This is the last in our current series of contactee interviews. 

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We might well be part of a much larger and older supercivilization that has reasons of its own not to explain itself to us, or perhaps cannot explain itself to us, in the same sense that we could never, without massive and fundamental re-education, explain radio to an ancient Roman. Or explain it at all to a chimpanzee, but let’s hope that the gulf between us isn’t that great!
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There is tremendous worldwide sorrow over the loss of the seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle. It’s much greater than the sadness that would attend the loss of a 747 with 350 people aboard.

There is a reason for this, and it is a good one: our astronauts are at the leading edge of human endeavour. They are carefully chosen for their accomplishments, abilities and general excellence. They are the best we have, striding into danger with a smile and a wave.

Among the most vivid memories of my life are the moment when the Apollo capsule burned in January of 1967, and the stunning sight of Challenger exploding. I will never forget the power of those images, the shock, and then the deep, abiding fear that crept in afterward.
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