Christmas is coming, and with it the 17th anniversary of my close encounter experience of December 26, 1985. To this day, it haunts my sleep. My wife tells me that, if she should get up during the night, I will call out to her immediately, and grab her hand when she returns to the bed. I still remember those few minutes as if it had all happened last night. But, nowadays, I am beginning to be able to sleep more normally. More often than not, I sleep right through the hour between three and four, when the incident took place. For the first fifteen years after it happened, this was not true.
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By Whitley Strieber Copyright (c) 1999, Whitley Strieber

Next week, the book I have written with Art Bell, The Coming Global Superstorm, will be published, and I am about to suffer from the same press torments that have dogged me since I published Communion. I am routinely punished for writing that book, either by false and unfair reviews, or by being ignored. Despite the fact that Communion is a book of questions, it is taken to be a claim of alien contact, and I am viewed as a proponent of something akin to a false religious belief. I am hurt as much as possible short of legal limits in order to limit my impact and, in the best of all possible worlds, destroy me.
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A couple of months ago, I quit putting material up on this website. The reason was that I was so overwhelmed with work that something had to go. Art and I were finishing our book, I was learning how to host a radio program, a lot of personal things were happening, and I was having the most intense series of contact experiences that have come my way in years.

It is these experiences that I want to talk about now. One would have thought that, after all these years, they would have changed their structure somewhat, becoming more focused and defined. If you’d asked me in 1989 what my contact experiences would be like in 1999, I would probably have predicted that they would be more direct and “normal” than they were then.
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Since my special has aired, I have been getting a lot of questions about whether or not the visitors are “real.” I put that word in quotation marks for a reason. It is because it seems quite doubtful to me that we are going to be able to determine that in the same way that we can determine whether or not a stone is real.

Look at the 1996 NASA video. It shows some seemingly real objects, including one that even appears to have running lights pulsating on it. But then something with a tail almost like a tadpole goes speeding out of the lights of a city. Subsequently, a doughnut-shaped object, appearing almost like a plasma, comes up out of the clouds and moves slowly past.
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