A Peru-based archeological organization has unveiled what they claim to be the mummified remains of a number of humanoid, non-human creatures, found in ancient tunnels in Cusco, Peru, in January of 2016. The remains appear to be of numerous individuals of different sizes, including a diminutive humanoid with a disproportionately large head, a skull from a larger individual, and a three-fingered claw that belonged to an individual that is estimated to have been nine feet tall.
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Recently I had a very frightening experience with the visitors. It was intentionally induced by them and led to them backing off from a relationship that has recently become very much closer and is the treasure of my life. I was bereft, but this time I was not left in the dark about why I had reacted with such fear to what they did, or what their motives were. The reason is that I have Anne on the other side, and she offered what I believe to be an insight into the situation that is of fundamental importance.

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In his new journal entry, Whitley Strieber discusses the recent US presidential election in light of what he has learned from the visitors about their aims, and the ways in which president-elect Trump’s stated positions conflict with those aims, and the ways that they further them. In some respects, it would appear that a Donald Trump administration would stand against the two key aims of the visitors, which are the preservation of a healthy environment and the furtherance of human freedom. But is that really true?
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