Whitley Strieber has published a new journal entry detailing his thoughts about a possible process of disclosure that could take another step when 18 policy documents covering events in Rendlesham Forest in December of 1980 are released next March by the British Ministry of Defense. Whitley states his belief that the documents may contain speculation that what witnesses have been claiming for years is true: that the lights and strange structures seen in the forest may have been under intelligent control.read more

For Unknowncountry subscribers this week, Whitley Strieber reads the first two chapters of his new book Journey to Dog Heaven, and you have certainly never heard him read like this. When he starts reading from the viepoint of Bob, the cattle dog who is the main character in the story, you’re not going to believe it’s him. It sounds as if he’s been possessed by  the soul of a dog, it’s just uncanny and quite wonderful to hear.

To learn more about the Journey to Dog Heaven and get a copy of the ebook, go to Whitley’s book site, www.strieber.com.
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Whitley has published a new book, this one about the inner and outer journey of a dog. You can listen to a sample by clicking here. It’s out as an ebook now for $4.99. It will be between covers and on Audible.com shortly. Get Dog Heaven wherever ebooks are sold. Get it for your Kindle and leave a review on Amazon.com.
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On  March 27, Whitley Strieber and Jeremy Vaeni discussed some strange synchronicities involving Jeremy’s show the Experience and Whitley’s life. Bizarrely, the synchronicities continued and became even stranger. Listen in as they discuss some of the high strangeness revolving around the Experience arriving on Unknowncountry.com.
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