BBC Drama Says Yellowstone Could Kill a Billion
A new BBC drama claims that the Yellowstone supervolcano isunstable and could explode, and if it does, subsequentdisruptions of the earth?s climate will lead to the deathsof a billion human beings. Although the film is not adocumentary, its producers claim that it is based on actualdata gathered with the help of US Federal EmergencyManagement Agency, the Pentagon, and the US Geologic Survey.
A USGS spokesman told that the agencydoes not anticipate an explosion of the Yellowstonesupervolcano at this time. However, numerous geologicchanges in the area in recent years do suggest that it isbecoming more active. In past geologic history, the volcanohas erupted approximately every 600,000 years. It is 640,000years since the last eruption.
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