Mark Carlotto is a PhD in Electrical Engineering and specialist in optical analysis–and a brilliant, open-minded scientist with some excellent information to share both about Mars and about our lost past. He  published the first peer-reviewed paper about the Mars face in Applied Optics. He tells us the truth aboutread more

A massive impact crater the size of the city of Paris that was discovered in 2018 under Greenland’s Hiawatha Glacier has been found to be much older than originally anticipated—tens of millions of years older, in fact. Initially thought to only be between three million and 12,000 years old, new datingread more

Two new studies have added new evidence to the theory that a major airburst from a meteor or comet occurred over North America, ushering in a 1,400-year cooling period called the Younger Dryas that occurred between the Pleistocene and the Holocene eras. The Younger Dryas saw the extinction of most of the large land mammals across North America, and also the end of the Clovis People, a Paleo-Indian culture. A charred layer of soil, found at roughly 50 Clovis sites across the continent, suggest a massive wildfire that raged continent-wide, possibly caused by such a massive meteor strike.
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