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Hawaii is as enchanted a land as you’ve heard. But why? Where did Hawaiians come from? And who are their gods? How does this nature culture view the things Westerners call "supernatural"? This is a brief and beautiful glimpse of the Hawaiian people through the eyes of elders who have been charged with safeguarding sacred knowledge passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors.
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Jeremy. Thank you and your
Jeremy. Thank you and your guests for this multifaceted gem. I suspect many listeners will be touched by the gentleness, beauty, depth and truth shared.
It is truly, All One Life we live.
I was enthralled by this open
I was enthralled by this open sharing of the beautiful stories by the Hawaiian elders. I especially enjoyed the story of “where we came from”, which echos a similar story I heard by Regina Meredith in her recent interview on Buzzsaw with Sean Stone on Gaia.
Wow! Just a wonderful round
Wow! Just a wonderful round table! As I listened, I made some notes, since much of this resonated with me on various levels.
It just seems that so much of what many indigenous peoples feel within themselves on a spiritual level, are things that Western ideas and religion have given over to something that they feel is greater than they are and outside of themselves. For instance, during the round table, the concept of “I am” was mentioned. That reminded me of the phrase in Exodus where God states, “I am that I am”. Likewise, one the members of the round table said “No beginning, no end.” In the book of Revelations, “God” is said to be the alpha and the omega (the beginning and the end). So, perhaps, there is something to the idea that Western cultures are truly seeking that deep, personal, spiritual connection that was lost so long ago, with the search beginning in The Levant, and making its way to other parts of the world, primarily the Western cultures of today.
Regarding ‘money’ and how it separates indigenous cultures from Western cultures: Some people in the West are beginning to understand this, but it is a slow-growing concept. If any of you have ever read ‘The Soul of Money’ by Lynne Twist, she caught on to this problem several years ago. It you haven’t read it, she explains it very well, and in a way that you will understand, and she also has suggestions for how you can turn around your thinking about money and abundance (Abundance—this was especially recognized by the Lakota, and exemplified by their reverence for their symbol of abundance, the buffalo)
I believe it was Janet that discussed spirit travel and dreaming. I know that many here at Unknown Country ‘travel’ often in Dreamtime, during meditation, and sometimes spontaneously during their everyday lives. I feel that we all do this, but that some of us have simply ‘awakened’ to that idea and pay attention to it. (We are not ‘indigenous’, but perhaps we do understand that we must find our way back to who and what we really are as spiritual beings connected to All That Is).
Thanks for this one, Jeremy!
All of this below is from the year 2014 when the exhibit, “ATUA…..Sacred gods from Polynesia,” came to my Art Museum. I do not know how much of this fits in with the interview today BUT when I viewed this exhibit with a friend, it left me spellbound. I went back a second time, alone, so that I could absorb it all in silence. The book I purchased is priceless.
“I knew it wasn’t the hair, and I knew it wasn’t the eye,” Michael Gunn, a senior curator at the National Gallery of Australia, said of a sculpture of Polynesian god A’a. “It became clear that it’s that space between the eye and the eyebrow. I realized that’s the part of us where our visual imagination is located. It just shows you the attention and the focus that the people had and the value they place on visual imagination.”
That was absolutely
That was absolutely wonderful; lots of material there, and lessons abound.
I am interested in learning more.
As I just finished listening to the show, the following themes stand out to me:
Plane of being / plane of existence outside of time (and its general availability and accessibility).
Importance of dreams / dream travel / dream time.
The astronomically long timelines of the human project.
The interconnectedness and complexity of all things.
A good sense of humor (nice!)
Wonderful material. Thanks for sharing.
PS: Carollee: thanks for the links to those sites! Wonderful.
While I was exploring the links, I was lead to this beautiful video:
This was one of the best
This was one of the best Experience shows to date. Thank you all for sharing your stories, they made me happy and I found myself smiling the entire time.
Can you spell out the names
Can you spell out the names of the people who were on this roundtable? Have any of them written their own books? or have been on other shows?
They’ve not published books
They’ve not published books and don’t do shows. I’m hesitant to even spell out their names, as it took a lot of trust for them to come on The Experience.