The Big Island of Hawaii has been in the news lately for its creeping lava flow. But lava isn’t the only thing creeping around this magical, haunted land. Faerie-like Menehune, a ghostly royal guard of Night Marchers, and the volcano goddess herself, Madame Pele, have all been encountered here. Hawaii truly is the intersect between myth and reality and you will get a chance to explore it through the eyes of "Jacki," a local who has experienced it all.
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And, now that I am logged in,
And, now that I am logged in, the link for the MP3 has gone missing.
Download success! Thank you!
Download success! Thank you! 🙂
Great show Jer and thanks to
Great show Jer and thanks to Jacki for a fascinating journey through hawaiian mythology and highstrangeness. I could have listened to another 30 mins. Maybe subscribers could get an extended version of The Experience?
Excellent discussion! Great
Excellent discussion! Great to hear the history of the Island and the similarities (and differences)to other cultures as well.
I’m not an experiencer as
I’m not an experiencer as defined here, but I really like this guy and am happy that he is part of Dreamland. He seems to be an excellent interviewer. Good one!
Everything works now! Thank
Everything works now! Thank you!
Jeremy, Joe Gooch and Jacki,
Jeremy, Joe Gooch and Jacki, I am really enjoying these interviews…..
Cool show!! More please!
Cool show!! More please!
Great show, Jeremy! Looking
Great show, Jeremy! Looking forward to many more!
Great stories – I loved your
Great stories – I loved your guest, Jacki. I have never heard any of the folklore of Hawaii and I would be interested to hear more.
I’m really enjoying this new
I’m really enjoying this new show. You’re doing an excellent job, Jeremy. Can’t wait to hear more experiencers’ stories.
Hey, Gang:
Thanks so much for
Hey, Gang:
Thanks so much for your feedback. Keep it coming and if anything moves you to an insight, please let’s have it here in the comments.
Glad you’re enjoying the show!
I’ve tried for two weeks to
I’ve tried for two weeks to download this program and it still won’t download.
Hey Dodie, are you trying to
Hey Dodie, are you trying to download to your PC/Mac? Maybe try deleting your browsing history (cookies, forms, etc) from your browser? A browser reset sometimes helps… I’ve had no problems downloading, I don’t think the issue is with the UC site..
I remember reading a book on
I remember reading a book on cryptids once; the book stated that in 1820, a census was taken on the island. The King’s census taker reported that there were 65 Menehune on the island at that time. This article on the Menehune also mentions the census:
Love love love the new show.
Love love love the new show. Also love the idea of extra 30 minutes for subscribers.