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Is there a media coverup of all things ufology? We’ll ask writer/director Brent Hoff, former writer for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and co-founder of Wholphin DVD. Brent is in a unique position to be honest about such things as he has had an incredible close encounter, which led to a huge revelation by his mother. We will hear all about it and also hear what it’s like to have these experiences and then have to poke fun at others having them as part of his job description. Then, just as we’re about to sign off, Brent extends an offer to the audience to take part in an upcoming media arts project.
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Really enjoyed this episode
Really enjoyed this episode Jer and Brent The part that resonated with me the most when Brent’s mom confided in him about her experiences, but actually couldn’t remember them. Again I think for a lot of people ,being in the presense of whatever this is makes it almost impossible to bring back on a conscious level though I believe it’s in their somewhere, transforming us in some way we may never truly understand.
(Don’t mistake the lack of
(Don’t mistake the lack of comments for lack of enthusiasm about the episode. I loved this one. Great story about the spheres. Love the bit about the who people said they loved the most in NY, CA, and Amsterdam.)
What an excellent show…the
What an excellent show…the experience Brent had seeing those spheres at such close quarters was amazing…and to have it corroborated is quite rare. I also thought it was fascinating that his mother said she regretted telling ‘them’ to go…yet she couldn’t remember anything of the encounters apart from their trip down the hall to meet her…so what was it she was regretting? Was it more of a feeling based on her hidden memories, I wonder? The only thing I was a bit disappointed with, was that I thought the answer to whether there is a media UFO cover-up, was passed over much too quickly.