
This week, host Jeremy Vaeni reads and responds to email updates from two former guests. Then, he reveals a means to transcending Western brain-mind into the heart that he’s been working out with Tiokasin Ghosthorse. It is so simple to do, it’s no wonder it was missed all this time–and the results could be world-changing!
Dreamland Video podcast
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Jeremy, I was watching
Jeremy, I was watching “Head”, which starred the Monkees, last week and I saw a scene early in the movie where a swinging “mystery woman” was kissing all the Monkees. When asked by Mike Nesmith: “WELL?” she said, “even”. That is the equivalence concept, right there. I imagine this woman was supposed to be some kind of muse. She treated all the Monkees as equals.
I can’t download the mp3.
I can’t download the mp3. Anyone else able to?
campoften@aol.com, I am
campoften@aol.com, I am having problems too – the solution is to log in as a subscriber, then download from a PC or from the Full Site on Android / iPad…
Amazing show so far, Jeremy,
Amazing show so far, Jeremy, thank you! However, it seems that streaming is unavailable, both on the main site and the mobile site. Downloading works fine. 🙂
There was lots of insight and
There was lots of insight and wisdom expressed by Jeremy in this episode. I have already written to him privately about more information regarding the-bunny-in-the-bed incident beyond what was mentioned in his episode, regarding my sister and what was going on with her, but I feel I should share it with you all as well. A couple of days ago, and before listening to this episode, I had an idea that maybe I should do a ‘remote view’ of that night. Having no real expectations, and giving as little ‘thought’ to it as possible, I just closed my eyes and went there.
From my point of view, I saw just my sister on her side of the bed, and the view was from slightly above and behind the headboard of the bed. Our headboard was against a wall, so what I was seeing was as if the wall wasn’t there. My sister was surrounded by some kind of fluctuating ‘field’ that morphed around her. She never left the bed, but she did appear disguised as something else (rabbit) for brief moments at a time. The field reminded me of those special effects used in the ‘Star Trek’ movies when space vessels go in and out of ‘cloaking’ mode.
Of course, if (big IF) this is what happened, there are lots more questions, some of which Jeremy threw out there during his talk. As usual, no definitive answers…
Hi Jeremy. loved the episode.
Hi Jeremy. loved the episode.
I also thought this to be a
I also thought this to be a VERY interesting article.
Volume 2, Number 6 – Winter 1966
The Osages
Builders of the “Super-Race”
by Elmo Ingenthron
When the fur traders and trappers first pushed their way into the upper White River valley they found the Osage Indians occupying the area. Just how long they had inhabited the region no one seemed to know. In fact at that time they only lived there intermittently, making seasonal hunting expeditions into the area from their more permanent villages on the perimeter of their vast territory. The upper White River valley, the hinterland of the Osages, lay in the heart of their domain.
The Osages had fought many battles against other tribes to hold their land. They were considered by many to be one of the most warlike tribes in all North America. Nuttall, an early explorer of their region, said that scarcely any Indian nation had encountered more enemies than the Osages. He reported that as late as 1818 they still flattered themselves by saying they were seated in the middle of the world, and that although surrounded by enemies, they had maintained their usual population and their domain.
There were reportedly 17 Osage villages in 1680, according to Hennepin and 17 or 18 villages in 1770, according to Coxe. Ashe, another explorer of their region stated that in 1805 they could still muster a thousand warriors.
For a description of the savage Osages, as they were sometimes called, let us examine the reports of the early explorers who observed them in their native state before European influences. Morse reported them to be of, “remarkable height, not many being less than six feet high, and of fine figure. Some would have been perfect models for a sculptor.” “They are in appearance,” says Jones, “as noble a race of people as I have ever seen.” “Well formed, athletic and robust men of noble aspect,” were the words of Audubon. “The Osages,” says Bradbury, “are so tall and robust as to almost warrant the appellation of the term gigantic. Few of them appear to be under six feet, and many are above it. Their shoulders and visages are broad which tend to strengthen the idea of their being giants.” “The activity and agility of the Osages is scarcely credible,” says Nuttall. Instances of deformity were rare among them.
These were the Indians pre-eminent who took great pride in their physique. The customs and beliefs of the tribe contributed much toward the development of the “Super-Race.” Sports, games, hunting and warfare all tended toward the best muscular and physical development of the human body. The desire to attain great physical stature and long life governed, to a considerable extent, the marriage customs of the tribe.
The largest and most athletic warriors were favored to sire the infants of the tribe. Fortunate was the Osage maiden who was chosen as the bride of the tallest and mightiest of the warriors. But, once the marriage was consummated the warrior fell heir to all his wife’s sisters which he could espouse as additional wives to bear his progeny or bestow upon others. For what better way, the tribe reasoned could the race perpetuate its strong physique and long life.
In the course of inter-tribal trade and commerce, Indians of neighboring tribes sometimes visited the Osages. On occasions when the desert Apaches or other Indians of short stature came, the old squaws often concealed their marriageable maidens least they should succumb to some magic power and flee to the forest with the short ones.
The Osages in building their “Super-Race,” forbade the marriage of any of their young men who had shown weakness or cowardliness in their first warring engagement. These were compelled to live out the remainder of their lives as “squaw men,” dressed like squaws and doing the work of squaws, never getting a chance to redeem themselves. “Squaw men,” were forbidden to marry least they beget cowardly sons who might endanger the survival of the tribe.
Another tribal custom in keeping with the Osages’ philosophy of building the “Super-Race,” was the prevention of inbreeding. No one was allowed to marry into their own clan. The warriors must select their wife or wives from one of the clans other than their own.
The Osages put such strong emphasis upon the attainment of height and manly appearance that they followed the practice of tying their infants’ heads tightly to boards. This resulted in flattening the back portion of their heads, but caused a more than natural elevation to the top of their heads, thus adding to their height and unique appearance.
These tribal customs, so disappointing to the early Christian missionaries, no doubt contributed much toward making the Osages somewhat of a “Super-Race,” physically. Few, if any other North
American Indians, could claim their equal in that respect.
Just what, if any influence these practices had on the mentality of the Osages is not known, but insanity was unknown among them and none were known to ever commit suicide. Unlike other Indian tribes, the Osages were known for their sobriety, believing that a drunken man was bereft of his reason and should be avoided. Perhaps their ambitions to become the “Super-Race,” caused the major portion of them to refrain from the use of intoxicants.
The Osage warriors were men pre-eminent, masters of their domain over which they reigned supreme. They often sought the big game animals of their hinterland, the buffalo and the bear, the deer and the elk, which were numerous on the upland prairies and wooded valleys of the upper White River watershed. It was here they pitched their barbaric tents of buffalo skins or raised their grass-thatched brush lodges on the banks of Ni-U-Skah (White River).
Copyright © White River Valley Historical Quarterly
Springfield-Greene County Library
Thanks Jeremy, I enjoyed
Thanks Jeremy, I enjoyed listening to your thoughts. (“AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER,” love that).
The 19th-century painter George Catlin described the Osage as the tallest race of men in North America, either red or white skins; there being many of them who are six and a half, and others seven feet.
“The Osages are so tall and robustas almost to warrant the application of the term gigantic: few of them appear to be under six feet, and many are above it. Their shoulders and visages are broad, which tend to strengthen the idea of their being giants.” – John Bradbury
Osage communities were organized into two divisions called the Sky People and the Earth People. According to their traditions, Wakondah, the creative force of the universe, sent the Sky People down to the surface of the earth where they met the Earth People, whom they joined to form the Osage tribe.
Villages were laid out with houses on either side of a main road running east and west. The two village leaders lived in large houses on opposite sides of the main road near the center of the village. The Sky People clans lived on the north side of the road, and the Earth people clans lived on the south side.
Meanwhile, Chief Arvol
Meanwhile, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, founder of Peace & Prayer day, amongst other things, just wrote this:
I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call “Turtle Island.” My words seek to unite the global community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in our own ways of beliefs in the Creator.
We have been warned from ancient prophecies of these times we live in today, but have also been given a very important message about a solution to turn these terrible times.
To understand the depth of this message you must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today, in reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring on other lands and our own Americas.
I have been learning about these important issues since the age of 12 when I received the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and its teachings. Our people have strived to protect Sacred Sites from the beginning of time. These places have been violated for centuries and have brought us to the predicament that we are in at the global level.
Look around you. Our Mother Earth is very ill from these violations, and we are on the brink of destroying the possibility of a healthy and nurturing survival for generations to come, our children’s children.
Our ancestors have been trying to protect our Sacred Site called the Sacred Black Hills in South Dakota, “Heart of Everything That Is,” from continued violations. Our ancestors never saw a satellite view of this site, but now that those pictures are available, we see that it is in the shape of a heart and, when fast-forwarded, it looks like a heart pumping.
The Diné have been protecting Big Mountain, calling it the liver of the earth, and we are suffering and going to suffer more from the extraction of the coal there and the poisoning processes used in doing so.
The Aborigines have warned of the contaminating effects of global warming on the Coral Reefs, which they see as Mother Earth’s blood purifier.
The indigenous people of the rainforest say that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet and need protection.
The Gwich’in Nation in Alaska has had to face oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain, also known to the Gwich’in as “Where life begins.”
The coastal plain is the birthplace of many life forms of the animal nations. The death of these animal nations will destroy indigenous nations in this territory.
As these destructive developments continue all over the world, we will witness many more extinct animal, plant, and human nations, because of mankind’s misuse of power and their lack of understanding of the “balance of life.”
The Indigenous people warn that these destructive developments will cause havoc globally. There are many, many more indigenous teachings and knowledge about Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites, her chakras, and connections to our spirit that will surely affect our future generations.
There needs to be a fast move toward other forms of energy that are safe for all nations upon Mother Earth. We need to understand the types of minds that are continuing to destroy the spirit of our whole global community. Unless we do this, the powers of destruction will overwhelm us.
Our Ancestors foretold that water would someday be for sale. Back then this was hard to believe, since the water was so plentiful, so pure, and so full of energy, nutrition and spirit. Today we have to buy pure water, and even then the nutritional minerals have been taken out; it’s just empty liquid. Someday water will be like gold, too expensive to afford.
Not everyone will have the right to drink safe water. We fail to appreciate and honor our Sacred Sites, ripping out the minerals and gifts that lay underneath them as if Mother Earth were simply a resource, instead of the source of life itself.
Attacking nations and using more resources to carry out destruction in the name of peace is not the answer! We need to understand how all these decisions affect the global nation; we will not be immune to its repercussions. Allowing continual contamination of our food and land is affecting the way we think.
A “disease of the mind” has set in world leaders and many members of our global community, with their belief that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring peace.
In our prophecies it is told that we are now at the crossroads: Either unite spiritually as a global nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives’ eyes.
We are the only species that is destroying the source of life, meaning Mother Earth, in the name of power, mineral resources, and ownership of land. Using chemicals and methods of warfare that are doing irreversible damage, as Mother Earth is becoming tired and cannot sustain any more impacts of war.
I ask you to join me on this endeavor. Our vision is for the peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites to pray and meditate and commune with one another, thus promoting an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining Peace.
As each day passes, I ask all nations to begin a global effort, and remember to give thanks for the sacred food that has been gifted to us by our Mother Earth, so the nutritional energy of medicine can be guided to heal our minds and spirits.
This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war, and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the great myth of progress and development that ruled the last millennium.
To us, as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth, falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction. You yourself are the one who must decide.
You alone – and only you – can make this crucial choice, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. On your decision depends the fate of the entire World.
Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind.
Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?
Know that you yourself are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, there is no beginning and no ending.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse (Itazipcola Lakota) is the 19th Generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations.
–posted by jeremy vaeni
The Standing Rock
The Standing Rock Sioux are currently in a battle over the Dakota access oil pipeline:
For those interested in learning more, and what you can do to work in partnership with indigenous peoples around the globe, The Pachamama Alliance will be having a global conference call on September 7th, ‘Spiritual Activism with Ceremonial Leader Pat McCabe and Co-Founder Bill Twist’, and you can sign up for free here:
Pachamama Alliance also offers courses courses on-line and in person. I have already completed the ‘Awaken the Dreamer’ course, and I plan on completing the ‘Game Changer Intensive Course’ in the near future.
While the idea of ‘Rainbow Warriors’ has a new-agey feel about it, it is a concept that is very much alive and moving along behind the scenes and gaining traction, despite all the chaos and crazy stuff going on in the world right now.
It’s worse than a New Agey
It’s worse than a New Agey feel. (That would be fine, actually!) If you’re able, ask the teachers if they are aware of the true origin of the term “Rainbow Warrior.” I’m sure this isn’t what they mean to stand for but just don’t know the origin.
While the term ‘Rainbow
While the term ‘Rainbow Warrior’ itself may have been ‘manufactured’, the idea of various peoples coming together to take care of our planet is sound, with the book ‘Warriors of the Rainbow’ facing its own criticism when it was published in how it attempted to manipulate Native legends and relate them to Christianity.
The indigenous peoples of North America went through their own ‘Armageddon’ after the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. It has been estimated that the North American population at that time may have been about 20 million people, and many of these were people with a high culture, the Mound Builders. By the time actual settlers arrived here, the native population was down by at least 90%! When De Soto made his way into the Southeast, an entire culture was wiped out by deception, war, starvation, and disease, and this was well before the great westward expansion that inflicted so much damage to indigenous peoples across the remaining parts of our country. These various peoples struggled with us, and with one another, to no avail… so we know that they have a unique perspective on the world situation that maybe we haven’t quite grasped at this point in time. “ And so it always seems to go, that you don’t know what you’ve lost ’til it’s gone…”
In truth, the odds of every ‘tribe’ coming together to save the world is a long shot, regardless of names, titles, and belief systems. But like so many other things in this crazy world, perhaps some faith that it could happen, paired with action has the possibility of making ‘Rainbow Warriors’ a reality…And perhaps we cannot save the Earth. In any case, this planet will go on, with or without us. If we do not try, we will definitely be lost to a future past, with no one to remember us.
I have just opened to CHAPTER
I have just opened to CHAPTER TWO of the Communion Letters; it starts with…….
My heart leaps up when I behold
(((A rainbow in the sky:)))
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is the father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
”My Heart Leaps Up”
William Wordsworth
The day after he wrote “My Heart Leaps Up” Wordsworth began to write his larger and better known Ode: Intimations of Immortality. The last three lines from “My Heart Leaps Up” are used as an epigraph to Intimations of Immortality. Some scholars have noted that “My Heart Leaps Up” indicates Wordsworth’s state of mind while writing the larger poem and provides clues to its interpretation.[3]
Some commentators have speculated that Wordsworth felt such joy because the (((rainbow))) indicates the constancy of his connection to nature throughout his life.[4] Others have said that it celebrates “the continuity in Wordsworth’s consciousness of self”.[1] Because the (((rainbow))) is part of a circle, Fred Blick has been able to demonstrate that the word ‘piety’ at the end of the last line makes an intentional, geometrical pun (signalled by the phrase ‘bound each to each’), symbolising continuity and infinity. The pun blends ‘a state of infinite pi / π’ with the normal meaning of ‘reverence’. Wordsworth loved geometry and used the same, geometrical pun on ‘piety’ twice elsewhere. [5] Many commentators also draw parallels to the (((rainbow))) of Noah and the covenant that it symbolised.[6] Wordsworth’s use of the phrase “bound each to each” in the poem also implies the presence of a covenant. Some commentators have drawn further parallels with the story of Noah. Harold Bloom has suggested that Wordsworth casts the (((rainbow))) as a symbol of the survival of his poetic gift, just as the (((rainbow))) symbolised to Noah the survival of mankind. Bloom suggests that Wordsworth’s poetic gift relied on his ability to recall the memories of his joy as a child.[1][7]