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Christine Clawley received her MA from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2015 and became a licensed professional counselor in Colorado in 2018. She is currently a clinician in private practice and has a Jungian and depth-oriented practice in Arizona that helps clients heal from traumatic experiences, as well as supports individuals who have also had near-death experiences or other spiritually transformative experiences.
After overcoming the life-threatening Necrotizing Fasciitis at age 24, she embarked on a journey of healing and self-understanding through exploring various holistic techniques, including a mindfulness practice, meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis, and indigenous healing modalities. Prior to contracting this illness, she received many dreams and messages that foreshadowed her illness. While spending nearly a month in a medically-induced coma she had many dreams that mirrored what was happening to her on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Upon awaking from the coma, she experienced increased intuition, empathy, and an increased frequency of lucid and precognitive dreams. These experiences have led her to research topics related to near-death experiences, consciousness, non-ordinary reality, synchronicity, dreaming, and shamanism.
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