We join together for a strengthening and calming meditation for 15 minutes, then view and discuss two videos from South America. The first, shot in 2016, appears to show an alien. Whitley will explain why our video experts are sure that the unusual form is not a computer graphic. Then we will view another video from the same region of Peru, shot in February of 2020, that shows a UFO reacting very dramatically to attempts to communicate with it using lasers–one of the best CE5 encounters ever filmed. The meditation will concentrate on contact. Will it further contact with this unknown presence that seems so sensitive to our efforts?

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  1. I have been thinking about the question of why witnesses to certain events see a different thing unfold (or nothing) while there are a few of us are going ” Wow! Did you see that ?”.

    Something similar happens when we witness emergencies or a catastrophe. There are those who run towards the danger, while others stay put or run away. I have always been one of those who tend to run towards these things, but not out of curiosity, but with my first thought being, ” Is there something I can do to help?”

    Is there some kind of correlation between these two types of personality? Does anyone else have any ideas about this? I would also be interested in Preston’s thoughts about this, if he would like to chime in about it.


  2. While I didn’t participate when the Zoom session was live, I watch d part of this video this morning, before work.
    Firstly, it seemed to give me strength and focus in an otherwise COVID-19 focused world. It will be interesting to see if this meditation, especially if done repeatedly will help us to engage with the visitors more.
    When I had my sighting, currently in the OutThere section, I did briefly try to enter into a meditative state by performing the sending exercise. As the sighting had ended, I merely asked “what are you”?
    I find it interesting that there has been experimental proof of a mirror universe. Whitley, can you share the results of the experiment that has verified this?
    I really do wonder if somehow, we are getting glimpses of something from maybe a higher dimension, moving through ours. Like, they see something interesting and peer in to have a look. We can see something, but besides acknowledging it, interaction with its true self is not possible, nor is it maybe even comprehendable. But, at least we see them and they see us and that is a big first step.

    1. “We can see something, but besides acknowledging it, interaction with its true self is not possible, nor is it maybe even comprehendable. But, at least we see them and they see us and that is a big first step.”

      The same might even be said of ourselves…I think that is key for us. Maybe comprehending them is contingent upon us comprehending, and understanding who and what we are.

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