Unknowncountry.com is designed as a safe space where close encounter witnesses and people interested in the UFO/close encounter experience can  explore these great mysteries together. Our visitors are a subtle presence here, but are here, too. It is not a political website. The only political positions it takes are the 4  that are known to be of concern to the visitors: 1. It is against the use of nuclear weapons; 2. It considers climate change a threat to humanity and favors a rich human future;  3. It favors technological advance, most especially when it comes to areas of research that will expand the human presence in this and other universes; 4. It favors  strong souls. This means that it favors the preservation of freedom because the freer a soul, the more choices it has, and more choices result in more strong souls.

The reason it takes positions in these areas are that it follows the lead of the visitors.  They are not interested in the details of our political lives—left vs. right, etc.—but in issues that concern our survival and the latitude our societies afford us to grow and change. If I have learned one thing about their relationship with us over my lifetime, it is this: they want us to survive and continue to be part of physical reality.

By interrupting activities at many nuclear weapons facilities in Russia and the US,  they have made it clear that they consider nuclear weapons a danger to our survival. By leaving a message about the peril of climate change in the minds of so many close encounter witnesses, including this one, they have also made it clear that they consider climate change an existential peril. As Diana Pasulka points out in her book American Cosmic,  they have made an effort to increase the speed of our technological development, and their expanding contact with scientists is increasing this effort. By the way they relate to us, they have also made an effort to preserve our freedom. They do this by maintaining secrecy about their presence and presenting us with questions. They do this so that we will not become supplicants but will continue to make our own way in the universe, and, by living with questions that we can neither solve nor ignore, will become intellectually, emotionally and spiritually stronger.

I go into all of this in depth A New World. We always push at the secrecy, though, because I have found that doing this causes it to gradually lessen as we show that we are ready for them to expose more of themselves.

We do not cover things like electoral politics. I have never gotten a word about it from them, but if I ever do, I will change our policy. I do not intend to expose my own political ideals here. I will say, though, that I have never seen such division in the country. This probably does concern the visitors, because people living at political extremes are more doctrinaire and thus less free. I suppose the ancient Greek saying “nothing overmuch” applies here, as well as Anne’s assertion that “the human species is to young to have beliefs. What we need are good questions.”

Because I see this polarization as closing minds, and that does concern the visitors, I will say a little about the upcoming election. Also, the election relates to the climate change issue. No president in recent times has shown the leadership that is needed for us to address this problem effectively.

I think that Bernie Sanders is most likely to win the Democratic nomination, and also that there is a high likelihood that he will suffer the same fate as George McGovern did in 1972 when he was defeated by Richard Nixon.

During a period of prosperity like this one, the country is unlikely to go along with the idea of making the massive changes in tax patterns and social structures that would be needed to enact Mr. Sanders’ programs. Although quite a few polls have him winning, I doubt their accuracy. I think that many people who support Donald Trump hope that Sanders will be his opponent because they perceive his program as being unpalatable to most Americans, and I have a feeling that they are trying and succeeding to give the polls a false bias in Sanders’ favor. Russia apparently sees it the same way, which is why they are supposedly helping both candidates. They believe that a Trump-Sanders race will result in a Trump win.

More telling than any recent electoral poll is a Gallup poll published last November. It shows just 39% approval for socialism and 60% approval for capitalism. Combine that with a strong economy and the president going in to the campaign with a 49% approval rating, and he seems to me to be the likely victor in a race with any candidate perceived to be a socialist, and it is going to be very easy for Mr. Trump to make a case that Mr. Sanders is exactly that.

However, there is a new electoral factor, which is the millennial vote. The Republican Party is overwhelmingly comprised of white people over 50 with a definite skew toward males. The Democratic Party is younger and more mixed at every level. In terms of registered members, the Democrats are also the larger party. If younger voters are inspired by Mr. Sanders, they could upset the expected dynamic and give him a win.

Regarding the economy, I see the expansion as being vulnerable, and debt as both the immediate and a long term problem. Recent budgets, including the one just presented last week, do not significantly reduce debt and only slightly retard its expansion. Despite our present state of denial, in fact the federal government is going to be required to provide massive funding for climate change remediation, and this is going to grow every year from now on. Inevitably, it will have to reduce social programs with consequent public upset. This is in part probably why Trump’s recent budget guts Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. Of course, an ideological dislike for these programs also plays a part.

Obviously, the destruction of these programs is going to cause enormous social disruption and human suffering. But unless an aggressive effort to reduce debt is undertaken, the government is not going to be ready to meet the inevitable need for funds that will emerge as populations suffer more and more serious and extensive disruptions at every level. We really are between a rock and a hard place here. Personally, I think that it is going to take an unusually creative and dynamic leader to solve this problem, if indeed it can be solved. Recent tax reforms and drastic budget cuts at the Internal Revenue Service virtually guarantee that federal revenue, without the destruction of the social safety net, will not be sufficient in the foreseeable future

I also think that there is an immediate probability that an economic slowdown is developing now, and that it could be a serious one. The tipping point will prove to have been something like the Fair Isaac Company’s recent decision to restate the creditworthiness of millions of Americans on the theory that there is too much consumer debt in the market. This will have a similar effect on consumer economic activity that the Federal Reserve’s decision to increase interest rates did on Wall Street in the summer of 1929. It is going to put the brakes on consumer use of credit and thus also on the economy.

Combined with disruptions in trade caused by coronavirus, tariffs and the increasing weakness of brick-and-mortar retail, there are likely to be a series of retail and commercial real estate failures that will derail growth. Unlike 2008, if it gets serious enough the Fed, already dealing with gigantic levels of debt, will have only a limited ability to pump-prime a recovery.

I think that there is a reasonable chance that this will emerge as a problem during the summer and fall of 2020 and become more serious over the course 2021. Whichever political party is in power at that time will, as always, be blamed, but the blame, if there is any, is deeper than politics. It emerges out of the fact that, as the planet’s various environmental systems such as weather and the biome become more stressed, it is becoming more and more difficult to extract from them the resources we need to maintain the growth upon which prosperity depends.

Unfortunately, we have never been able to develop a steady-state economic system that also gives the average person hope for a better future.

As one example of what I mean, the decline of the insect population is likely to lead to a decline in crop yields, as they are so essential to pollination. This is due to stress on the biome caused by pollution and climate change.

Another illustration of what is happening on a large scale is the small-scale case of palladium, which is a key component in pollution control devices. Over the past year, its price has risen from $1281.00 an ounce to $2615.00 an ounce.  This is not because of increased demand, but because of increasing scarcity, and that situation is being repeated in commodities across the board, with the exception of oil and coal, whose use is contracting.

Similarly, the world’s food supply literally hangs by a thread. Demand is now routinely so high that surpluses are a thing of the past. An example of how dangerous this situation can be is illustrated by the absurdly named  “Arab Spring” of 2010. It was not sparked by a thirst for freedom, but rather by food shortages that struck the Middle East starting in 2009, which were caused by crop failures in the wheat growing belt of Southern Russia and the Ukraine. Both those countries cut off wheat exports, causing immediate bread scarcities across the Middle East. When a Tunisian street vendor, Tarek el-Tayeb Bouazizi, set himself on fire after being prevented from selling on the street in Tunisa on December 17, 2010, an eruption of anger against autocratic regimes swept the region. We are still struggling with the consequences and will be for the foreseeable future.

Historically, when prosperous people are denied food, they rebel. Before the Middle East upheaval, food shortages played a critical role in sparking the French, Russian and Iranian revolutions, and they will continue to do so.

Right now, the most vulnerable large country is China, which has lost close to 3 million pigs to African swine fever in the past year, at a time when coronavirus issues have disrupted trade. If generalized food shortages emerge, the population, already angry over the regime’s failure to contain the virus, may well react explosively.

But it is, despite all its problems and all the failings and faults with which we are surrounded, a beautiful world in which lovely moments and joyous experiences unfold perpetually, all around us all the time. When we look at our own lives, no matter how hard they are, we can always discover moments of joy and memories of joy. Perhaps they are small and at times of great stress seem almost irrelevant, but they are there.

I am reminded of a line in John Cheever’s story A Country Husband, contemplating the life of the little town of Shady Hill in which the story is set: “The village hangs, morally and economically by a thread, but it hangs by its thread in the evening light.”

Our beautiful country is hanging right now in the light of Shady Hill, by a thread, yes, but in golden light.

It is evening now at my house, the shadows are long and the air is sweet.  I know all too much about the dangers that surround us, but some children are singing on the sidewalk just below my window, their voices as soft as the down of angels, singing what I hope will prove to be the song of the future.

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  1. Well, I think to ease the distress, we can see ourselves now as settled in at a refugee space in the emerging Fifth World, while calling attention to the coming task of fashioning a new cultural order.

    “It is evening now at my house, the shadows are long and the air is sweet.  I know all too much about the dangers that surround us, but some children are singing on the sidewalk just below my window, their voices as soft  as the down of angels, singing what I hope will probe to be the song of the future.”

  2. I have to say that this is stunningly brilliant and beautiful. It is like it is written from a higher level of consciousness, which, given the author, I guess probably it is! The gentle acceptance of all the violence and divisiveness we see around us is deeply inspiring. Reading this, I saw that it is possible to see the world from a higher place and with a perspective that is rooted in kindness. Thank you, Whit!

    1. Thanks so much for your deeply considered perspectives on these matters, Whitley. And thanks to Secretharmonies for expressing so movingly what I too feel is most important from Whitley in strengthening us heart, mind, and soul, so we can better meet our moment-by-moment choices on the side of the constant of Love. Like Mike, I’m resting in that last paragraph of Whitley’s.

  3. A couple Typos i noticed, in case you want to fix them:
    1) “I go into all of this in depth [IN] A New World.”
    2) ““the human species is [TOO] young to have beliefs.

    Great insights, by the way. I’m sure they will prove to be quite accurate! I think i’ll be voting for the Candidate that i deem to be the morally most worthy, even if that candidate should then loose to the current Führer of the American Reich.

  4. We might be having a new frontrunner soon!
    Sen. Elizabeth Warren surged to 19% and second place in a CBS News/YouGov national poll released Sunday, trailing front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders (28%) but edging out Joe Biden (17%) and Michael Bloomberg (13%).https://www.axios.com/warren-poll-bloomberg-sanders-debate-6cc3a7f3-32c1-4a58-b0d6-982864e3bd31.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic&utm_content=1100&fbclid=IwAR3nfbSwHvlmQ4-GreMhMJ8QZ2J526_UDFZbbNTgvUtjP5ly4wMJqL47yRg

  5. “Inevitably, it will have to reduce social programs with consequent public upset. ”

    I emphatically disagree with this statement.

    Does the average person realize that there are trillions of dollars locked up in the world in accounts held by corporations and extremely rich individuals that are neither taxed nor even properly identified? No one really knows just how much money has been stashed and taken out of circulation in the world economy because governments are either too corrupt to go after the money or are not allowed to by law perpetrated by lawmakers who serve these rich and powerful entities. This is not conspiracy theory. This has been a fact for at least the last forty years.

    I see a society where we can reshape our values to meet the needs of everyday folks who just want a roof over their heads, a car that starts every morning, and a chance for their children to thrive. They won’t be hoodwinked into getting caught up in such catchwords such as socialism. They just want fairness.

    People also know that climate change is real and bearing down upon us and that the government will have to play the central role in dealing with it, not the “free market.”

    Speaking of debt, we can easily reduce it by spending more wisely and opening up new revenue streams that do not grossly affect the middle class and the poor. For instance, we should not be borrowing trillions of dollars to fund wars we do not have to fight. Austerity and starving the beast is not, nor was it ever, an effective tool to reduce debt levels. It was always a ploy to keep rich people from paying their fair share of taxes, yet taxes is the price we pay for free civilization.

    I don’t know if Bernie will be the Dem nominee or be able to defeat the current occupant in the White House, but he has already done a great service in speaking the truth that our democracy is skewed toward the rich at the expense of everyday Americans. Whether or not he will be able to generate enough critical mass to overcome the forces that keep everything locked down remains to be seen, but clearly the energy is building.

    People are waking up at such a consequential time. They know that things cannot continue the way they’ve been and that they cannot go back to some other time in our history when things were perceived as good. A new world is coming, and we have deep inside us two of the greatest things to emerge from this planet to shape it the way that skews toward collective prosperity – the human intellect and the human spirit.

    1. @TOMKOWT “Does the average person realize that there are trillions of dollars locked up in the world in accounts held by corporations and extremely rich individuals that are neither taxed nor even properly identified?”

      I wish I could say I didn’t agree with Whitley but he is probably correct. The money, that you rightly know is there, is so well hidden and protected that it will likely never leave the families that hoard it. I have worked for one of these types of people for the past 5 years. They are completely insulated. They are even removed from how/what they want. I doubt they really know that about themselves. They only know a life of endless whims. And if something goes wrong, they simply through money at the situation. No accountability at all.

      It isn’t possible for us to imagine just how much money one billion dollars amounts to and what it can do, let alone if an individual has tens of billions. Outside of a collapse that renders all monies irrelevant, they will remain unaffected. The common ‘we’ will struggle with misery and the prospects of grappling for basic survival so they may remain comfortably outside, or above as they frame it, the chatter of the masses. I guess it’s possible to have a Tolstoy like change of heart but I wouldn’t count on it. You and I will make it through the eye of the needle. Most of the elite will not.

      It would help greatly if the necessities of human existence were communal and removed from purely capitalist endeavor.

      Whitley, I do indeed hope you were hearing the children sing the song of the future. I have heard it too. In spite of my own failings, I have heard it too.
      Have Joy!

      1. Author

        Sorry this was delayed, Morelight. Our spam filter is sometimes too effective.

  6. Author

    You may be right. Probably are. But who is going to find that money? The answer is, I fear, nobody. Even so, let’s hope you’re right and the human spirit does prevail.

  7. When will we ever talk about the third rail of government spending: military spending? THAT is the biggest chunk of our annual budgets, not social programs. At the end of Clinton’s last year in office we actually had money left over. One of Bush’s first acts was to refund that money to the taxpayers instead of paying down some outstanding debt. Then…..911 happened. And we have run deficits ever since with our never ending wars. Social programs help those at the lowest end of the economic spectrum and that money is plowed back into the economy through spending and jobs (remember retail?). We do not need another tank–there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, right now sitting in the desert outside of Reno baking in the sun, funded by pork-barreled Congress. We don’t build battleships anymore because they are no longer needed. We have enough aircraft carriers, we don’t need more. Most military spending doesn’t go to salaries and benefits for folks who serve or who served in the past; that spending goes to military contractors. Yes, military spending is important, but let enough people go hungry and homeless, and those military weapons will be turned against our own citizens.

  8. Author

    I agree with you. I just don’t see a level of threat consistent with the size of our military. Not at all.

  9. More than anything I now see changing the tide is the combination of the contraction of the market and the coronavirus. I’m not expressing support for Bernie or any other candidate, I’m just going with my gut that Trump’s horrible leadership on the virus combined with its effects on the economy could be enough to make the greater fear (which unfortunately seems to steer the election) move toward voting the current administration out. Until recently, I thought he was unstoppable. All of a sudden, things feel different in the air.

    If I’m right we’ll see, and then whether that is a good thing also remains to be seen.

  10. It’s important that we observe what’s going on and don’t get drawn into the feelings of anger and outrage that emotional attachment to events on the world stage can stimulate. Fighting fire with fire only makes the fire bigger and more destructive. But, you can douse a fire with water– the stuff of love and compassion. Of course I’m horrified by the awful state of things– the geo-engineering, climate change, mind control, the roll out of 5-G, this coronavirus bs, the mainstream media circus. and the sh-t show into which this election has degenerated. But I’ve come to see it all as the game we signed up to play when we decided to come here. I don’t know if there’s any way to win this game when our negative emotions are activated. . Success may be a matter of how we play the game. If we play it with compassion for those with differing viewpoints from our own, we might be able to join forces and possibly take down the dark ones who are hell bent on controlling us. My friends who hate Trump hate my friends who support him and vice-versa, and everybody’s pissed off at me for not taking sides. But, I’m winning because I refuse to start vibing to the frequency of hatred, and I hope this refusal is helping to make our world a better place. The visitors, mine anyway, are on the same page as Whitley’s. They want us to clean up our mess. They don’t want us to use nuclear weapons for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that doing so ruptures the fabric of space/time and negatively affects life throughout the universe. They offer facts about some of their technology and they don’t hold back with their information about how much we’ve been lied to regarding ufo’s, ET’s, technology, archeology, history, physics, medicine, and astronomy. Even my worst, most terrifying visitor encounters– they’re not all nice– have opened my eyes to some of what’s going on in the world. Let’s have compassion for others, no matter how whacked-out their perspectives may appear. If we don’t, the divide-and-conquer strategy of our greatest threat will only weaken us and make us more vulnerable to sickness and domination. Love to all.

  11. Back when you wrote your blog, and from your location in California, it would have appeared that Sanders would be nominated. Now, after SuperTuesday, it looks like Biden has a good chance. The covid19 virus seems even more a threat now than two weeks ago, and hoarding has already begun, and the world economy is threatened. Since the GOP is the party opposing anything beneficial to the environment it’s apparent that even a slim hope for the future depends upon Democrats taking the reins of the government.

  12. On Bloomberg TV this morning, they discussed the contraction of the bond market, which Bloomberg News says is much larger than the stock market. On the US political front, Elizabeth Warren just now ended her candidacy, and says she will support Joe Biden. Mr. Bloomberg, also no longer a political candidate, may devote his financial resources and talented political staff and US grassroots organization toward the election of Joe Biden.

    Alas, the global coronavirus is no “bs.” Within the last 24 hours, a news story gave an update on the COVID-19 mortality rate, which is much higher than the mortality rate of the flu. Remember that all these biostatistics percentages are constructed from raw numbers, deaths in this case; those numbers are then converted into percentage rates. For that reason, no biostatistics percentages can be multiplied against other percentage rates … the numeric summaries must be prepared first, with the percentage rate only then being worked out. News link:https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-03-03/six-dead-coronavirus-kirkland-seattle-california-cases

  13. Here is a very informed article from The World In Data on the global coronavirus. In the 2nd half of the article it includes the formulas for some of the biostatistics percentages reported on coronavirus by the global media, very helpful:https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus

    1. Author

      Sorry about the delay in your comments posting. The spam filter seems to like you for some unknown reason.

  14. In the above Nexus magazine article about Linus Pauling, they include a photocopy of a 2-page memo that Dr. Pauling prepared. In that memo, Dr. Pauling, who died in 1994, noted that in investigating any question of UFO involvement with human evolution, Dr. Pauling wanted to focus on the human DNA component known as cytochrome-c. There are various other highly technical articles online that discuss cytochrome-c.

  15. These are truly heartbreaking times, and it’s only going to get worse. Truly this is the Kali-yuga.

    Truth be told, our entire concept of economy is untenable. Capitalist or socialist, two sides of the same rusting coin. Modern economy was never meant to handle populations this large nor individual wealth so obscenely large. Something completely new is needed, and nothing new can come about until the old is destroyed.

    This is the hidden glory of Kali. She is often interpreted as a source of “evil”, or even a devil, when in fact she’s the slayer of devils.

    The myth goes that she is unleashed to kill the devil and his cronies, and gets so caught up in her bloodlust that she does not discriminate. Whatever gets in the way of her demon slaying gets killed too. (Think of the biblical quote, “The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike”, granted that’s more an explanation of the unjust force of Karma, which people in the West incorrectly glorify.)

    BUT she ceases her frenzy immediately when she accidentally strikes Shiva and hears his cries of pain.

    Hindus have a method of art that involves scattering colored beads, and then removing certain pieces in order to create an ordered pattern out of the chaos. This fits with their concept that God-head cannot be known directly, but can only be known by removing everything that is not God.

    This the task of the force personified by Kali, which is the force dominant in the present time. To kill all that is not God.

    To us, this will appear as an apocalypse. The Kali-yuga, with all its inevitable horrors, is an essential step.

  16. Whitley……I have followed you for years and have bought and read a number of your books. But sometimes I think you’re “out of step” or maybe a “step behind” with new insights that I myself, am becoming aware of. I think “Climate Change” is a phenomenon of our times. But you seem to imply that this is humanity’s fault. I have looked at this from both sides. My conclusion is that there are other influences at work. I’m surprised that when you mention the “Visitors” concerns about this phenomenon, that they with their higher understanding, would realize that we are not the problem! I will concede that we do contribute to the overall C02 emissions……..but only at an infinitesimal rate. I’m not a “climate denier”. I’m just better informed on the subject and wish you were too. RM

    1. Author

      In A New World, which reflects the visitors’ view, I repeat their assertion that it is an outcome of overpopulation. They don’t regard it as our fault and neither do I. But it remains our challenge to find a way to manage our planet in such a way that we can survive without a great many of us being deprived of their happiness and their priceless lives.

      1. Whitley! I’m surprised at you! Overpopulation? If this is the view of the “visitors”, this is wrong. If you agree…..and if by association, you would be no better than Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. These two contributed funds to Gates foundation in a bid to find a means to control world population. Do you know what those funds were for? Research into engineering and formulating a virus as a means of reducing overpopulation. That’s what COVID-19 is! And the research scientist Leiber funded indirectly by Bill Gates, has been arrested along with his colleague(s) in creating it. Gates himself has resigned from Microsoft in this aftermath. Do the research. RM

        1. Author

          If there had not been so many people crowded together across the world and able to travel so easily, the virus would never have spread as it has. Whether or not it was created in a lab or the result of natural effects is not known. As I have said a number of times on Dreamland, I do worry that there are powerful people out there who might actually be working intentionally toward depopulating the planet.

          1. Whitley……. you can’t blame the people for the virus. Because we’re social “animals” the contagion factor can’t be helped. Until we’re made aware of the problem in time and abide by the protocols to prevent the spread. Would a billion less in the world mitigate the severity? Two billion? I’m not sure about the answer. People would still travel and the contagion factor would still exist. We do agree though, on a powerful elite that, among other things, want to minimize world population. There are many unrelated sources that also agree with this fact. Prince Philip at 94, suggested that he would like to re-incarnate as a virus to limit the population. As ludicrous as that statement is, it illustrates the contemptuous mindset that he and his ilk have for humanity. RM

  17. Author

    Blame people?? I think you’re really missing my point. We are not responsible for overpopulation. It’s the fault of our design, not us. We have no sexual seasonality, naked bodies and excellent memories–this is why there’s overpopulation.

    However, I do find remarks like the one Philip made very worrisome. When I first read it years ago, it sent a real chill down my spine. He’s not the only person among the power elite, I fear, who thinks that way, and some of them are assuredly in the position to act on this pernicious belief.

    Surely we can use our minds to figure out how to survive without killing people. The way I live, I see the life of every person as equal in value to my own. Each one of us is equal in this respect: we are all we have.

    1. Thanks, Whitley, for clarifying that point in the first part of your response. I’m inclined to agree with you about our “design”. It’s a fact that as a species, we are prolific. However, a paradox exists in that the birth rate in western democracies has been and continues to be in decline. While those in so-called third world countries have been expanding, though I have no current data. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term, demographics.

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