Once again there are rumors that the United States government may make some sort of admission that there is an unknown intelligent presence here. Whether these rumors mean anything or not I do not know.
I do know this, though: unless we begin to address this phenomenon intelligently and make use of the knowledge that it offers us, we are going to continue on the current death-spiral of economic and environmental decline.
The situation we find ourselves in is not our fault. Nature, or somebody, made us without sexual seasonality. Therefore, we had too many babies. Therefore, we are out of room here on earth.
Of course, we can use technological manipulation to decrease the environmental footprint of the individual, and the president has very correctly seen that as a viable direction in which the economy can grow, but it’s not unlimited.
The reality is simple, and although it may seem incredible, it is possible: we need to be able to expand off the earth in large numbers. In enormous numbers. In other words, we need to gain the ability to travel among not just nearby stars but many stars. We need to find other earths.
This is not impossible. People who can do it are all around us. But we pretend that they are not here. We pretend that they cannot be here because interstellar travel is impossible. But they are here. What they are and where they are from is another question, and for all I know, the answers could be very unexpected.
One thing is certain: admission of their presence will open the door to thousands of curious and intellectually robust people, enabling them to address the knowledge that is now available in a useful manner.
The government need do only four things: first, admit that some of the lights in our skies appear to be devices under intelligent nonhuman control. Second, stop confronting them in any way when they enter our skies. Third lift the granting restrictions that have prevented granting in this area of studies. Fourth allow access to any and all knowledge and technology that it does possess to all human minds.
This does not address the close encounter phenomenon, though, and it is the close encounter phenomenon that is the reason that disclosure never comes. Admitting that the lights in the sky are under intelligent control is one thing. Admitting that their operators are coming out and entering our bedrooms and our bodies, and this cannot be controlled, is quite another.
There are three approaches to the alien abduction phenomenon. The first is the Stephen Greer approach, which says that they are benevolent and that any suggestion to the contrary is due to fear and confusion. The second is the Budd Hopkins/David Jacobs approach, which sees them as being emotionless and indifferent to our welfare, here only to harvest human DNA and sexual material.
There is a third approach, which is to admit the truth of the close encounter experience, which is the most complex event that has ever happened. Our society has been coping with large scale structural intrusions for three centuries now. We have absorbed the coming of the mass-production factory, electrification, the automobile, the airplane, electronics and rich communication. But these are all things that we could control. How to we absorb technological innovation from a source that we cannot control, and that is going to have many agendas of its own.
I have a simple answer: we call on our best minds to do it. We need to develop and adequately fund a think tank that can address these problems with the best theories, ideas and equipment we can bring to bear. It needs to have a substantial scientific arm that will gather physical knowledge from crash debris, from observation of the movement of objects, and from any other resource that may be available, It needs an engineering group that will make sense of this material and point us in the direction of new uses.
We needn’t start huge. We can start small, which the development, for example, of new vehicles that will replace the plane and not rely on air for lift, that will carry us farther and faster, enabling us, for example, to begin to mine the moon for commercial quantities of Helium3, which would solve both our energy and pollution problems.
This think tank must also address the issue of communication, but this is not a matter of decoding signals. It is a matter of decoding bodies. The bodies of the close encounter witnesses bear physical evidence with them that can be studied both in situ and in the lab. Collectively, they are, in effect, the first word the visitors have spoken to us. It is incumbent upon us to translate that word, for it is a very large, very complex word about the nature of man and his place in the cosmos.
In fact, it is the largest word ever uttered, a word larger than all the language that has ever been spoken across all of our history. So decoding it is not going to be easy, but it is going to be incredibly productive.
The Greer approach to this problem suggests that, if we stop shooting and acknowledge them openly, their attitude toward us will change and they will become more forthcoming.
The Hopkins approach warns that disclosure could have unknown consequences, and could turn us into a race of DNA milk-cows, left to rot on barnyard earth.
The third approach does not start by making value judgments based on the incomplete information we have now. It begins by seeking to understand that information. Conclusions can be drawn when the foundation of knowledge available makes it possible to do so.
If we are to have the rich cultural, social and economic future that seems to disclose itself just ahead of where we are not, government must admit the reality of the visitors and encourage study of them. If it continues to stonewall the situation, the loss to mankind, already tragic, will certainly deteriorate even further.
We must do everything we can to prevent the extraordinary, beautiful and immeasurably valuable human species from perishing or sinking into a decivilizing decline that will end with the population decimated and civilization forgotten.
The single most valuable thing we can do right now to help ourselves is to acknowledge contact and begin to harvest the knowledge that is on offer.
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