Before I start, I want to say that there are numerous different stories being spun to explain this away. The first one claimed that the drones were a clandestine effort to find nuclear material that had gone missing. It quickly became obvious that couldn’t be true because the material turned out to be low-level medical waste that could not be weaponized. Most recently, a story has appeared that the drones belong to a company secretly testing anti-terrorism measures. If so, why is it that these drones don’t give off heat? How does that work?
Eventually, one of these stories will sound true enough to be believed by people who are becoming increasingly eager to find relief from the uneasiness the drones are causing them. Perhaps one of the stories will even be true, or partially true. Only time will will tell. Meanwhile, I think that it behooves us to continue to explore the possibility that things are going so wrong here so fast that outside intervention is being attempted. Because if that is the case, our problems are very serious.
I have been waiting to react to the drone story until I had a clear idea of how the Administration and its captive media were going to spin it. That became clear when National Security Adviser John Kirby announced that, after “days and days of forensic work analysis,” it had been determined that all the drone sightings reported “represent lawful, legal commercial and hobbyist drones—even law enforcement drones.” He went on to say that the drones represent “no risk.” The New York Times then published a story supporting this claim. I would assume that this will now be taken up by the general media and, if the drones cease to appear, the crisis will end. If they continue, the government will stand by its story no matter what. Nobody offered any concrete evidence, such as flight tracks of drones that identified their origin and destination, or any retrieved materials or anything similar. Materials may be brought forth at some point. They will not contain anomalous materials or anything like that. Anything they do contain that suggests an unknown origin will be hidden.
The question becomes, “is any of what he said true?” The answer is, quite simply, “no.”
The reasons are obvious, but a captive media is not going to explore them. In fact, we will be able to assess which media outlets are captive by seeing how they react.
First, FAA regulations require drones that fly in established airways to have transponders. I personally used the FlightRadar24 app during drone flyovers and observed no transponder returns from them, not even from the one that was seen on LaGuardia Airport approach and recorded by a passing plane. On December 12, the New York Emergency Management Department announced that it had received reports of drones flying over the city, including LaGuardia airport. Local laws in New York City make it illegal to fly drones except from regulated heliports and airports, including hobbyist drones, and require local approvals in addition to the fulfillment of FAA requirements. The drones that flew over the city blatantly violated local laws, just as they did FAA requirements, and they violated FAA requirements over many of the other areas affected.
So why would the government resort to blatant, transparent lies? The first and simplest reason is that it has no control over the situation. It also knows that it has a captive media that is guaranteed to support it. But not all media is captive anymore. If the drone overflights continue, questions will continue to be asked. But if they don’t, then the story will evaporate in a day or so.
Government is about control, and when it can’t control something that affects the public, the first line of defense is to pretend that it can. That’s where they are now.
Let’s do a brief review of the situation. Drones appeared over northern Colorado and Nebraska in 2019. They were described as having a span of about six feet, and were seen in groups of as many as 19. They generally flew between 200 and 500 feet, and appeared between 6 and 10 PM.
Flying drones in formation and flying them at night both require waivers from the FAA, but that organization reported that no such waivers had been obtained.
In January of 2020, the flights ceased, and the investigation was concluded for lack of evidence.
Looking back, I believe that this was a test of how we would react to such incursions. The answer was clear: not effectively.
In December of 2023, incursions took place in Langley, Virginia, primarily over Langley Air Force Base. These incursions continued for 17 days. Despite the fact that the Pentagon confirmed that they were taking place over restricted airspace, and one involved a near miss with an F-22, there was no effort by the military to control them. Although I will say that, at that time, the lying wasn’t quite as blatant. But then again, the situation was also easier for the media to ignore.
Now we get to what I believe is the heart of the matter. First, I think that it is rather clear that the drones are not under the control of any state player or, in fact, any human player at all, at least, not entirely human. Let’s get into why I think this.
We began seeing unusual activity in world airspace shortly after World War II, when so-called “ghost rockets” appeared in Sweden. This was followed by a steady uptick, and reached a level of direct action at White Sands in 1946 when a V-2 that had been captured from the Nazis was being tested. As I recounted in Them, “on May 15, a German V-2 rocket that had been test-fired from White Sands went astray due to what Lieutenant Colonel Harold R. Turner, the White Sands Proving Ground commanding officer, described to the Las Cruces Sun-News as “peculiar circumstances.” According to United States Civilian Space Programs (p. 166), as the rocket ascended, radar operators reported that an unknown object had appeared near it when it reached an altitude of 40 miles. The rocket immediately changed course and was destroyed by ground control officers two minutes later.”
This was a warning. It was caused by the fact the the United States was then the only world power with nuclear weapons, and its acquisition of missile technology meant that an extremely dangerous situation was now inevitable. It was a warning, no more.
The warning went unheeded, and might not even have been understood for what it was.
The Kenneth Arnold sightings then followed, then the Roswell Incident and all that has come after. What was occurring, I think, was that somebody who, as Jacques Vallee showed in his groundbreaking book Passport to Magonia, has been here throughout the ages, was now reacting to a sudden increase in peril to the human species. In order to enable us to remain independent, they were avoiding direct intervention.
Our visitors’ next step was to make their concerns known by appearing at missile control facilities in both the United States and the Soviet Union and affecting the weapons’ functionality and targeting, and to do things like overfly nuclear weapons facilities.
The message was now more clear: nuclear weapons and nuclear confrontations are growing more dangerous.
Across the 1970s and into the 2000s, many people experienced close encounters of the third kind. Some, but not all, of them remembered these contacts, and some of the ones who did remember responded by attempting to reconnect with the entities who had come into their lives. There were also more benign contacts, some of which came with something close to proof.
One example of a successful connection is close encounter witness Chris Bledsoe, who can offer numerous videos of orbs of light to support his claims. I am another such person, and can offer witness testimony besides my own to direct encounters with non-human entities at the cabins I owned in upstate New York between 1983 and 1994. There is also videotape of an attempt to remove an anomalous object from my left ear that took place in 1996, that shows it moving away from the surgeon’s scalpel on its own. The object was placed there, not by aliens but by two people in May of 1989. I was awake at 11 PM when they approached me and overpowered me. A CT scan of the object also exists.
There are others with direct evidence as well, so I think that the idea can reasonably be entertained that some people are in contact with unknown entities. There are many more of us without substantive evidence, but with powerful memories, and a lot of us recall being warned, in a few cases about the danger of nuclear war, but more about the danger of climate change.
This warning is so ubiquitous among the close encounter community that it can be paired with the warning about nuclear dangers that was delivered to governing organizations: climate change is also an extreme danger, which, like nuclear war, is a fundamental threat to life on Earth.
In recent months, both of those warnings have been challenged at the same time. First, the U.S. moved nuclear weapons back into the United Kingdom after a 20 year absence. This would not have been so provocative in the past, but with new delivery systems, they can be projected to their targets either very quickly or using stealth platforms that can reach deep inside Russia from the UK. The weapons were withdrawn in the first place because it was thought that these technologies, then in development, would destabilize détente of they were deployed too close to Russia. Now, the nukes are back within the danger zone. Whether or not the delivery systems I am referring to are as well I don’t know, but the fact that they may be is profoundly destabilizing. If Russian strategists do not know the answer to this question, that is even more destabilizing, because they are forced to assume the worst. This means that they will game scenarios in which they must be the first to initiate conflict in order to win it. The brilliance of the balance that existed in the past was that it meant that, no matter which side fired first, both were certain to be destroyed. When that balance is interrupted, as it has been, it may be that nuclear conflict becomes inevitable, and our visitors may know this, which would explain why they so dramatically intensified their warning.
The next thing that happened is that Donald Trump was elected to the U.S. presidency in part on an agenda to completely ignore the environmental crisis and roll back what protections have been put in place. This is particularly important because the U.S. is the only large-scale economy with the resources to do something about this that is not already taking action. Russia can’t because it is too poor and disorganized. China can’t because its central government cannot project enough power internally at the level needed to make the drastic changes that will be necessary. The same is true of India. Europe is doing what it can and will do more if necessary, assuming the French and German governments don’t become chaotic, which might happen, it would seem. The UK will continue its efforts.
The Lakenheath appearance sent the message that the strategic move of US nuclear weapons back into the UK was a dangerous mistake, the second that the contemplated climate policy change is the same.
Given that the official reaction has been so remarkably self-serving and entirely mendacious in every detail, I would assume that the U.S. government not only has no intention of heeding these warnings, but also that they are throwing them back right into our visitors’ faces.
In the end, this will prove to have been a mistaken policy. If it is met by further intervention, it is likely to be less benign. If it is not, and they allow things to play out until we are absolutely desperate, then we will lose dominion over our own lives to them. For reasons having to do with the deep physics of the situation and the nature of our brains and minds, this loss will probably be permanent.
We have been on our own here on this little blue dot of ours for a long time. Although others have known this, they have only minimally intervened.
One positive thing about this new intervention is that it is proof positive that somebody values us greatly, apparently even more than we do ourselves. Perhaps that is the most powerful message to be found here. Certainly, it is the one we need most to heed.
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Thankyou Whitley
I am of an age that recalls the Greenham Common protests and the Women’s peace camp there with absolute respect and admiration for those involved .I remember the activism of ” CND ” and it’s campaigning with a deep nostalgia for the hope it gave that we could change the direction our governments were herding us down .
Now I feel that there is too much apathy and the population has become atrophied . There seems to be no vigour for fighting the dangers that face us and future generations.
Keyboard warriors aren’t enough . I,m horrified that this UK government has taken us back to the situation we faced during the cold war years . I feel more vulnerable than ever and feel like this country is sleepwalking into a dire situation that no-one cares enough to contest .
No-one I know is talking about these drone incursions and their possible origins . Our governments will just put up a smokescreen and lie to us .
If the warnings aren’t heeded , I dread the outcome.
Thanks for all you do to raise awareness of the dangers we all face Whitley .
On the climate change side we know that in the last 60 years we have seen CO2 rise at a faster rate than anything we’ve seen in nature from what we can tell. So the problem isn’t about how much is there, it’s about how fast we’re doing it. I fear soon we will not have time to react because of this fast track. For god’s sake we just saw a tornado in San Francisco. The next four years, as Whitley pointed out, will make it faster still. I’ve been here a long time and respect the heck out of Mr. Strieber because he’s never wavered from this message. I’ve been skeptical of the visitors intent but if they are truly conducting this drone phenomena as a warning I will apologize and keep listening with respect.
Stan , I hope like you that some entities somewhere are acting to warn and cause humanity to wake from this sleepwalk into oblivion .
For futures of earth’s children and Grandchildren s sake , I can only hope for a miracle . I,ve followed Whitley since I turned 27 and first read Communion . I think the journey of discovery and enlightenment Whitley has been on all these years is an inspiration to those who want to look beyond life’s facade .
Are the drones from the recent media reports making noise? I’ve yet to read any reference to what they sound like. The ones I’ve heard in person were very loud, and they were much smaller than what these reports are saying.
As has been said here before, if this is part of a reveal, we are not in control. Nor are governments. In order to preserve our dominion, that reveal will be incredibly nuanced, detailed, and orchestrated in ways we may never be able to fully understand.
There is only one witness I have heard (in NYC I think) who said that they could hear propellers. Every other witness I know of has said that there is no sound at all.
Also, Ross Coulthart claims that he has heard of reports of these things from all over the world, including Russia and China. Still waiting for the all-important second source on that.
The fact that some have been reported as large as an automobile and some with wings, but are hovering gives one pause.
I did not know about new nukes in the UK after 20 years. Scary.
Also the fact that so many drones are over highly populated cities in the NE corridor makes me nervous. Almost like an intended target survey? ( That is my speculative assumption)
Although the large ones being reported are probably proprietary vehicles, a car-sized DJI can be purchased for the price of a car:
And fixed-wing VTOL drones aren’t uncommon, especially since their smaller scale and lighter payload favours the physics required for them to operate:
I have no idea if this is the real deal or not BUT with all the current/serious DRONE activity…I WONDER??? If true, could this be related??
NUFORC UFO Sighting 184521
Occurred: 2024-11-26 02:53 Local
Reported: 2024-11-26 03:37 Pacific
Duration: Less than a minute
No of observers: 1 – Military
Location: Springfield, MO, USA
Location details: Clear sky, 28°F, no apparent wind, just to the West of address given
Shape: Triangle
Color: shadowy grey
Estimated Size: Size of a football stadium (?)
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 35
Closest Distance: 10-15,000 feet
Estimated Speed: Crossed the entire sky in about a minute.
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Massive, shadowy, triangular, object that crossed the entire expanse of sky without a sound, nav lights, or contrail.
I’ll start off by saying I don’t know what I saw, my mind is still trying to make sense of it. The moon hadn’t cleared the tree line to the East of my location, but it was up, possibly accounting for my ability to see it (the object) at all as it had zero lights displayed. Larger than a Super-tanker, 10-15,000 feet up, moving North to South just West of the address indicated on this form. There was no sound, no discernable glow from engines, no trail, just an eerie shadow floating at high velocity across the sky.
I was practically raised on boats, and as sailors do, spent a lot of time gazing upward. Later I became a navigator in the U.S. Navy, again, detail-oriented eyes mostly scanning the horizon on up. Excelling at celestial navigation and weather observation I am very familiar with just about everything that graces the sky, the average elevations they cruise at, and the speeds at which they travel. The relative time it took for this object to cross my field of vision is what prompted this report. I’ve seen a few unidentified flying objects over the decades, all with some kind of lighting, yet none left me feeling uneasy afterward. The figure wasn’t exactly clear, resembling something that was ineffectively removed from a photograph, leaving obvious dithering in its place.
I’ve watched all sorts of objects in the sky; satellites, the space station, celestial bodies, manta rays, whales, and once, a B52 bomber as it came over the horizon, out over the Pacific, right over the FFG I was on; so close it looked like it was going to hit the mast. I was raised in Southern California, visiting my grandparents in Death Valley and cheering the sonic booms produced by hot dog pilots and spotting experimental aircraft. My family frequently visited relatives at the China Lake facility and Edwards Air Force base, just to add to the variety of places I have been where flying things were paramount. Additionally, I am extremely interested in transportation of all types, especially technologically superior types constantly being rolled out, so I have a good idea what people are making out there.
What I saw this morning, I don’t know, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it…; so weird/out-of-place it looked fake. Nobody produces anything that massive.
I’m not looking for attention, and don’t particularly need/want to be contacted. Out of national/global security concerns, I felt compelled.
Posted 2024-12-07
The number of triangle reports coming from that part of Missouri is astonishing. It’s reasonable to speculate that the high number of sightings is related to their proximity to the B-2 bombers at Whiteman AFB, about 125-mile from Springfield. A city whose names appears over and over in UFO/UAP reports.
For example –
Whitley, we are on the same page. Exactly. I told my spouse earlier this morning that there is a evolution of all this going back to WWII. And THEY are losing patience with us.
I’ve been in contact with others, comparing notes on this. There is an important component of time involved, and a ‘drone’ being seen over Bedminster Golf Course? There are human-made drones involved muddying the waters, as well. I also want to point out Linda Moulton-Howe’s stories of mysterious drones being reported (and photographed) years ago, and before we had drones, as well as her reporting of ‘Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology’.
I sent an email to someone you know about all this yesterday about discussions I had with him about portal/time related information years ago that did not make a lot of sense. Now it does.
The way all of this is being tossed aside as “No danger” is appalling. So, average citizens should be ok with even human-made drones appearing over their backyards? A generation raised along side movies such as ‘Minority Report’ know better and are wary.
“One positive thing about this new intervention is that it is proof positive that somebody values us greatly, apparently even more than we do ourselves.”
…or it’s proof positive that somebody values the PLANET greatly. Certainly more than we do.
I’m certain that if it was just the PLANET they valued, humans would have been erased from the picture here a long time ago.
I think it is a “both, and”. Both humans and the planet are greatly valued. And this value appears on multiple levels and types of being.
I haven’t looked at the text in a long time, but in Machaelle Small Wright’s book “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered”, I believe the nature spirits are *adamant* that their preference is to work in harmony with humans, for the benefit of all.
The deeper idea is there is such amazing potential in this kind of harmony that the intelligent beings “behind the scenes” within nature are willing to go very far out of their way to help humans understand and share this level of life experience. The “togetherness” of this sharing is what makes it so valuable – there is something about doing it together that is far more fulfilling for *all* of nature, on every level.
The idea is that humans can contribute something to the big picture here that is intrinsically only possible from within human consciousness. “Nature itself” understands this unique value of human contribution, and wants to participate.
Without harmonious human participation, Earth life goes on, but it is not nearly the deepest and ultimate experience that it could be.
The FAA has expanded the temporary flying restrictions (TFR) to more locations in NJ, similar to the Bedminster and Picatinny no-fly zones, presumably areas that have generated a lot of drone reports, designating them “National Defense Airspace” and say they intend to use “deadly force” against any drones that pose an imminent threat:
I saw a drone in Defiance, Ohio a few nights ago. It was large and sounded like it had more than one propeller. It was pretty loud and only a couple hundred yards from me at its nearest. It had many flashing lights as you would expect to see on a plane. It came from the southeast and moved north-northwest. Yesterday, I saw a video of a guy who filmed one of the drones in New Jersey and it sounded exactly the same as the one I saw. The one he filmed had four propellers. I grew up next to an airport and have never seen a vehicle like this except the ones publicly available and those are far too small. This one was about the size of a Chevy Tahoe with propellers at all four corners, like many you see on Amazon or whatever. Interestingly, Elon Musk’s brother owns a drone company. I think it is something governmental and clandestine. The truth will eventually come out. I don’t think the drones are a reveal, but I think our friends are stepping up their game. I think the drones are a project blue beam type scenario, which means they will try to make UAPs seem hostile. If it has a propeller, it isn’t any alien I ever met. LOL
A government attempt to make the UAPs they can’t control appear to be dangerous seems plausible, if not likely. Considering the US Congress’ recent hearing, and their use of the terms “harm’s way” and “threats”, bears that out.
Whitley, I was fascinated by what you said near the end about us losing our dominion over our lives if the Visitors have to step in to save us.
Is this explained anywhere or do you plan to discuss this in a future book/ episode of Dreamland? I know you have said in the past that encountering them can have devastating effects, I believe you said looking them in the eye will make you aware of everything that is in the future and you won’t be able to alter the course of events so that in effect you become enslaved to time. Sorry if I didn’t explain that right. Is this part of what you are talking about?
For the most part, it seems the world is being run by 12-year-old boys. Maybe it is time for mom and dad to step in and do something about it regardless of how it affects the rest of us.
Just a note on the drone front. I live outside of Santa Fe and they were visible for 5 nights here. Arriving just after sunset and still there at 4am. My neighbor witness all nights and got some good photos. I only saw them one evening. In any case, my neighbor reported them to the FBI. I am noting here that there has been no mention of them in NM- either on local new or national news even though they have been present. So, how widespread is this? Perhaps much more widespread than is indicated in the news. I did not hear any sound- but they were a fair distance away over the mountain. I am very familiar with satellites, planets and planes- no confusion there…
I mentioned your response here on a thread on the message board, because it’s absolutely spot-on in regards to these continued sightings disappearing from news cycles.
It’s unimaginable to me that something of this magnitude is being literally ignored by the press. Maybe that’s to be expected considering Whitley’s statement about the press falling in line with the wishes and commands of the government.
I agree- something very disturbing at play here. One of my neighbors photos shows some kind of molten material falling(?) off one of these objects.
Well…ok. This appears to not really tell us anything new.
White House says New Jersey drones ‘authorized to be flown by FAA’
‘This was not the enemy,’ says press secretary on flurry of drones spotted in east coast skies in December