Over the past 6 weeks 5,387 people signed a petition asking for disclosure of the government’s knowledge of and communications with ETs. 12,078 signed a request that the White House formally acknowledge that extraterrestrial intelligence is engaging with the human race. Last week, the White House responded, saying that there was no evidence that extraterrestrials are here and that the US government has no contact with such beings, and never has had any.

In other words, total denial. At the same time, a gentleman called Michael Raduga, who founded an organization called the Out-Of-Body Research Center has announced that close encounter experiences are really OBEs, and that there is no such thing as a physical close encounter of the third kind. Raduga has been quoted thusly: "We tried to right a common misconception with this experiment – the issue at hand isn’t extraterrestrials, but hidden human abilities. If you’ve encountered UFOs or aliens after sitting or lying down, it can now be unequivocally stated that you’ve had a spontaneous out-of-body experience. We have proven this.”

So two guns, one big and one small but very media friendly, have both fired just a few months before "Solving the Communion Enigma" appears.

My book does not prove the ET hypothesis. Far from it. I’m not even sure that I believe it myself. But what it DOES prove–and I mean PROVE–is that something unexplained is happening in our world. For the first time, the true scale of it is examined clearly. In addition, a group of inexpensive scientific studies is outlined that would serve to clarify what is really happening. Additionally, in the book, I discuss some of the reasons that an ET presence would almost certainly be highly motivated to remain hidden from public view.

Now, I am not opposed to the ET hypothesis. Far from it. I’m open to the possiblity. I can never forget General Arthur Exon’s words to me on the telephone when I first talked to him in 1988: "Everyone from Truman on down knew that what we had found was not of this world within twenty-four hours of our finding it."

I had been introduced to Exon by a lifelong friend of his, my uncle, Colonel Edward Strieber. He spent his career in Air Force Intelligence and attached to the Atomic Energy Commission. After he read Communion, he telephoned me and asked me and Anne to come have lunch with him in San Antonio. Over lunch, he told us about his knowledge of the Roswell Incident. At the time, I was only somewhat aware of it. He explained that it was very important, and told me that he had been present when debris gathered near Roswell had been delivered to Wright Field in Dayton in 1947, for examination by the Air Materiel Command.

General Exon told me that, as late as 1988, he was still attending meetings at Wright-Patterson in order to help current researchers understand what had transpired in the past because, as he put it, "a lot of it was too secret to be put in writing, and we had to commit it to memory." Note that: so secret that it could not be written down.

Some years later, Congressman Stephen Schiff (R-NMX) initiated a General Accounting Office investigation of the incident. The investigators eventually reported that no conclusion could be reached be cause all of the records from the Roswell Army Air Field from 1947 to 1952 had been illegally destroyed by unknown parties.

These two things suggest a truly fantastic level of secrecy, so I am not surprised at the blanket denial issued by the White House. The denial is, quite simply, a legal lie. In fact, under the National Security Act, officials are legally required to lie in order to protect secrets. This is why the Air Force routinely lies to conceal its own interest in UFOs. In Solving the Communion Enigma, I cover in detail the incidents that took place in Stephensville, Texas in 2008. Determined MUFON investigators obtained radar tracks from the FAA that confirmed what witnesses on the ground reported: they had seen Air Force jets chasing an unknown object. And indeed, the radar tracks confirm this.

Understand, in 2008, the Air Force definitely chased an unknown object over Stephensville, Texas. The witness reports and radar tracks are a matter of public record. 

The White House is saying on its website: "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye."

That may be a frank lie, but, then again, perhaps it is something more subtle. There is overwhelming evidence that something very strange is happening on planet Earth, and that it involves something that is at once possessed of unusual skills and powers, and is very, very strange. What if the government knows for certain that this presence is not extraterrestrial, but that it has a very different origin. Then they are telling the truth, just not the whole truth.

I wonder how many more denials and false explanations will come along prior to the publication of "Solving?" After "Communion" was published, the media published stories for years about how lie detectors were unreliable and easily tricked–false stories, in fact. But I had passed not one but two lie detector tests. During all the years of these denials, the intelligence services never stopped using polygraphs to vet agents, and they remain in common use to this day. Why? Because, in competent hands, the polygraph is an efficient tool.

Just prior to the publication of my last nonfiction book, "Confirmation," there appeared in Parade Magazine a false story to the effect that I had "admitted" that I had temporal lobe epilepsy and had made a contribution to the Epilepsy Foundation. This story was entirely false, and flew in the face of the medical evidence I had already published that conclusively proved that I had no sign of epilepsy or any other seizure releated disease.

"Solving" is the most provocative and convincing that I have ever written. It is going to garner a lot of two things: the first will be denials and fallacious science for the media to embrace; the second is that it is quite likely to be methodically ignored.

The truth, though, will not be ignored. Until we face it, we cannot be free, and if there is any single and consistent human desire that has been expressed across all nations and through all history, it is the desire to be free.

Everyone involved in these denials is an oppressor of the human spirit, and as life on earth becomes more and more difficult, their presence in leaderhship is going to become harder and harder for people to bear until, in the end, there will be an explosion against it, and whatever is known behind the scenes will finally be revealed.

I would not be surprised if it involves a secretive ET presence here. But I would also not be surprised if it turns out that ET is NOT here, and that the origin of the strange phenomena that we see all around us is very much stranger.

Whatever its origins, though, the pheomenon is real. Over the last two generations, its reality has been amply documented. But what is the phenomenon?

That is the great question of this age, and, like it or not, its resolution, when it comes, will restate the meaning of man in the uiniverse, and inevitably lead to the collapse of the forces that now oppress and insult the human spirit with their obfuscations and lies.

They know this. That’s why they deny.

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  1. “So two guns, one big and one
    “So two guns, one big and one small but very media friendly, have both fired just a few months before “Solving the Communion Enigma” appears.”
    Solving the Communion Enigma mightn’t prove to be big media-friendly, but it’ll be a gun with some actual powder in it’s chamber, unlike the former two pop-guns.

  2. “So two guns, one big and one
    “So two guns, one big and one small but very media friendly, have both fired just a few months before “Solving the Communion Enigma” appears.”
    Solving the Communion Enigma mightn’t prove to be big media-friendly, but it’ll be a gun with some actual powder in it’s chamber, unlike the former two pop-guns.

  3. To me anyway…it doesn’t
    To me anyway…it doesn’t matter what the White house says…they no longer have much credibility on any topic….Lying is the easy way to deal with this issue….to admit the truth would take a lot of guts and emotional resources they don’t possess….

    as to the other, this is just a clear cut attempt at misdirection…..

    Both parties are terribly afraid of the truth….it’s seems to me very similar to what Gallileo endured for showing that the earth is not the center of the solar system…in a way it’s the same thing only this time your showing that mankind is not the dominant species in the universe….can’t wait for your book to come out…here’s hoping it’s a smashing success…

  4. To me anyway…it doesn’t
    To me anyway…it doesn’t matter what the White house says…they no longer have much credibility on any topic….Lying is the easy way to deal with this issue….to admit the truth would take a lot of guts and emotional resources they don’t possess….

    as to the other, this is just a clear cut attempt at misdirection…..

    Both parties are terribly afraid of the truth….it’s seems to me very similar to what Gallileo endured for showing that the earth is not the center of the solar system…in a way it’s the same thing only this time your showing that mankind is not the dominant species in the universe….can’t wait for your book to come out…here’s hoping it’s a smashing success…

  5. Politics and Truth are
    Politics and Truth are completely divergent, right down to the core. There will come a time when We The People stop buying into this dog and pony show. What will They do then? What will We do?

    Looking forward to reading your new book Whitley! …wish you a great success!

  6. Politics and Truth are
    Politics and Truth are completely divergent, right down to the core. There will come a time when We The People stop buying into this dog and pony show. What will They do then? What will We do?

    Looking forward to reading your new book Whitley! …wish you a great success!

  7. As always, Your journal
    As always, Your journal raises some amazing questions and answers some too! I have to admit that I totally believe, that not only is the ET presence a reality now, but has been for thousands and thousands of years. I think the evidence is incredibly overwhelming! I also feel that the reality of parallel universes is more than possible. Could it be that we visit these realities through our dream state? I have a strong feeling that I do. Not speaking for anyone else, just myself.

    Over the last few years I’ve learned to meditate from You whit, and from a woman named Gurmukh of the Sikh faith. I’ve been practicing Kundalini yoga to clear my chakra’s and to raise my level of consciousness. The results have been astounding!

    I spent many years of my adult life living in fear and anger. I still experience both but on a more manageable scale. I also have a tremendous ability to remember my dreams which occurs just about every night. Of course there’s always a night or 2 where I don’t remember. They’re not always pleasant and speaking of fear, sometimes these astral travels of mine are downright terrifying!

    Reminds me of when u were in that world where u saw yourself with the whispy hair scrounging for berries in your yard, terribly polluted and lacking any good food source. A desperate place not quite as well off as this current world. Perhaps it IS this world, just in a different time? If you think about it we’re heading towards that exact reality as I write this, but you already know that! My dreams of late have been eerily similar to that reality. We’re on an express elevator to hell quite frankly, and I think that place you visited is real.

    Whether it’s another universe or just this one in the past or future… I don’t know. I do know this, it’s incredibly fascinating and frightening. I think there’s certain people within our government and the military industrial complex that are well aware of all these phenomena… Including the reality of ET life that is probably responsible for most if not all of our technology.

    I believe there’s been civilizations that are long gone that were way ahead of where we are spiritually and technologically. It’s not even close! It’s pretty big out there in this universe, which is probably really tiny in the big picture. Old too!

    Perhaps what we think is so big is just a pin head in a bigger bubble? Whats new is old and what’s old is new! I like to take into account all sources of info. Science, religious, history, spiritual, everything! I’ve learned an abundance of information just from your journey alone! The ancient Alien series is absolutely mind blowing as well! Just thought I would share whit! Love u my brother… May the long time sun shine upon you. All love surround you and your lovely wife Anne.

  8. As always, Your journal
    As always, Your journal raises some amazing questions and answers some too! I have to admit that I totally believe, that not only is the ET presence a reality now, but has been for thousands and thousands of years. I think the evidence is incredibly overwhelming! I also feel that the reality of parallel universes is more than possible. Could it be that we visit these realities through our dream state? I have a strong feeling that I do. Not speaking for anyone else, just myself.

    Over the last few years I’ve learned to meditate from You whit, and from a woman named Gurmukh of the Sikh faith. I’ve been practicing Kundalini yoga to clear my chakra’s and to raise my level of consciousness. The results have been astounding!

    I spent many years of my adult life living in fear and anger. I still experience both but on a more manageable scale. I also have a tremendous ability to remember my dreams which occurs just about every night. Of course there’s always a night or 2 where I don’t remember. They’re not always pleasant and speaking of fear, sometimes these astral travels of mine are downright terrifying!

    Reminds me of when u were in that world where u saw yourself with the whispy hair scrounging for berries in your yard, terribly polluted and lacking any good food source. A desperate place not quite as well off as this current world. Perhaps it IS this world, just in a different time? If you think about it we’re heading towards that exact reality as I write this, but you already know that! My dreams of late have been eerily similar to that reality. We’re on an express elevator to hell quite frankly, and I think that place you visited is real.

    Whether it’s another universe or just this one in the past or future… I don’t know. I do know this, it’s incredibly fascinating and frightening. I think there’s certain people within our government and the military industrial complex that are well aware of all these phenomena… Including the reality of ET life that is probably responsible for most if not all of our technology.

    I believe there’s been civilizations that are long gone that were way ahead of where we are spiritually and technologically. It’s not even close! It’s pretty big out there in this universe, which is probably really tiny in the big picture. Old too!

    Perhaps what we think is so big is just a pin head in a bigger bubble? Whats new is old and what’s old is new! I like to take into account all sources of info. Science, religious, history, spiritual, everything! I’ve learned an abundance of information just from your journey alone! The ancient Alien series is absolutely mind blowing as well! Just thought I would share whit! Love u my brother… May the long time sun shine upon you. All love surround you and your lovely wife Anne.

  9. It is quite obvious to me
    It is quite obvious to me that in spite of seven billion people on this planet, we humans are not in control. The E.T.’s are. When it is time to announce that there is other intelligent life here or there, they will decide, not us. Best wishes on your new book coming out soon Whitley. I am very much looking forward to it. bobg

  10. It is quite obvious to me
    It is quite obvious to me that in spite of seven billion people on this planet, we humans are not in control. The E.T.’s are. When it is time to announce that there is other intelligent life here or there, they will decide, not us. Best wishes on your new book coming out soon Whitley. I am very much looking forward to it. bobg

  11. Funny how the one thing
    Funny how the one thing everybody wants is for the government / military to admit that UFO’s / ET’s are here. We are like a child who wants to hear the truth from the adult liar I think. Not free. Why don’t we all chip in and hire some scientists / cameramen / investigators much like in the book “Hunt for the skinwalker”? We get all the UFO pictures, white spot videos, Roswell stories but we don’t know more than they did in 1947. We know nothing about what it is, where they come from, why they appear or if they are real and what they are doing. It’s a 64 year old magic show for children. And we are the children. That is how I feel anyway. Hopefully the new book will enlighten me. The only thing we know about all the “paranormal stuff” is that it exist.

  12. Funny how the one thing
    Funny how the one thing everybody wants is for the government / military to admit that UFO’s / ET’s are here. We are like a child who wants to hear the truth from the adult liar I think. Not free. Why don’t we all chip in and hire some scientists / cameramen / investigators much like in the book “Hunt for the skinwalker”? We get all the UFO pictures, white spot videos, Roswell stories but we don’t know more than they did in 1947. We know nothing about what it is, where they come from, why they appear or if they are real and what they are doing. It’s a 64 year old magic show for children. And we are the children. That is how I feel anyway. Hopefully the new book will enlighten me. The only thing we know about all the “paranormal stuff” is that it exist.

  13. Whitley – your views on why
    Whitley – your views on why this phenomena is subject to so much denial are absolutely on the mark. What makes me so angry when I see this official whitewash, however, is that it tries to deny me the right to live knowing my experiences are real. And that applies to the whole subset (superset?) of humanity who have had anomalous experiences, sightings etc.

    Many experiencers struggle with coming to terms with what they have seen or experienced, and official denial of that makes that so much harder. Some do still look to our governing bodies to advise them on what is real and what is not, and to these people, this latest Whitehouse statement will create much anxiety, hopelessness and fear, which is so terribly sad.

  14. Whitley – your views on why
    Whitley – your views on why this phenomena is subject to so much denial are absolutely on the mark. What makes me so angry when I see this official whitewash, however, is that it tries to deny me the right to live knowing my experiences are real. And that applies to the whole subset (superset?) of humanity who have had anomalous experiences, sightings etc.

    Many experiencers struggle with coming to terms with what they have seen or experienced, and official denial of that makes that so much harder. Some do still look to our governing bodies to advise them on what is real and what is not, and to these people, this latest Whitehouse statement will create much anxiety, hopelessness and fear, which is so terribly sad.

  15. It appears that there are
    It appears that there are ‘two’ densities, of which the light cannot penetrate. Perhaps then, one will have to wait, until the ‘little book’ is taken from the ‘right hand’ of him who sits on the throne.

  16. It appears that there are
    It appears that there are ‘two’ densities, of which the light cannot penetrate. Perhaps then, one will have to wait, until the ‘little book’ is taken from the ‘right hand’ of him who sits on the throne.

  17. So basically the White House
    So basically the White House called all of the abductees and those who have seen a UFO crazy or liars basically. What is interesting though is that the White House didn’t lie if the Visitors are from a parallel dimension Earth and not Zeta Reticuli. Hence, they wouldn’t be extraterrestrials and “not of this Earth”. Rather they would be inter-dimensional beings.

    Still the government lies when the truth would sound better. I quote Col Kurtz from Apocolype Now–“They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie–those nabobs”.

    1. I posted the official long
      I posted the official long winded denial above, but I see Whitley posted the link. I’ll keep it here in case the link stops working sometime and for those of you who are having trouble with it for computer reasons. Ed

  18. So basically the White House
    So basically the White House called all of the abductees and those who have seen a UFO crazy or liars basically. What is interesting though is that the White House didn’t lie if the Visitors are from a parallel dimension Earth and not Zeta Reticuli. Hence, they wouldn’t be extraterrestrials and “not of this Earth”. Rather they would be inter-dimensional beings.

    Still the government lies when the truth would sound better. I quote Col Kurtz from Apocolype Now–“They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie–those nabobs”.

    1. I posted the official long
      I posted the official long winded denial above, but I see Whitley posted the link. I’ll keep it here in case the link stops working sometime and for those of you who are having trouble with it for computer reasons. Ed

  19. As always a great journal,i
    As always a great journal,i can’t wait to read your new book,i’m sure it will be extremely fascinating.
    If you had a secret and you told everyone and it then opened Pandora’s box but with terrifying implications for many,would you tell everyone?I know secrecy is an evil but if they told me the truth i think i could handle it with maturity as i would be humble enough to accept it as after seeing a few things myself i know almost anything could be true.
    But what about the religious and the ‘ordinary’ people,it may well be an absolute mind blower for them.Better to watch T.V. all day or go shopping in the mall or pray to Jesus than face up to the hurdle they will have to jump in order for humanity to progress to the next level.And the sad thing is all of us have to participate in order for us to become what we are meant to be.The secrecy is an Evil by the government but they may choose to keep it out of what they think may be the for the good of these latter.
    The other Evil is the one that rides in the hearts of the religious and the ordinary and it’s the inability to surrender to the fact that of what is all around us.
    There are a few of us though that can see that the emperor wears no clothes.

  20. As always a great journal,i
    As always a great journal,i can’t wait to read your new book,i’m sure it will be extremely fascinating.
    If you had a secret and you told everyone and it then opened Pandora’s box but with terrifying implications for many,would you tell everyone?I know secrecy is an evil but if they told me the truth i think i could handle it with maturity as i would be humble enough to accept it as after seeing a few things myself i know almost anything could be true.
    But what about the religious and the ‘ordinary’ people,it may well be an absolute mind blower for them.Better to watch T.V. all day or go shopping in the mall or pray to Jesus than face up to the hurdle they will have to jump in order for humanity to progress to the next level.And the sad thing is all of us have to participate in order for us to become what we are meant to be.The secrecy is an Evil by the government but they may choose to keep it out of what they think may be the for the good of these latter.
    The other Evil is the one that rides in the hearts of the religious and the ordinary and it’s the inability to surrender to the fact that of what is all around us.
    There are a few of us though that can see that the emperor wears no clothes.

  21. What a quick and easy answer
    What a quick and easy answer to the alien/ufo problem. Did they really need a petition to deny one more time? I don’t expect any government to come clean about this complex lie that has been perpetrated on the human race now or in the future. It is too dangerous and involves far too many people, countries and years to unravel. So the lie just keeps going!!! And maybe the “powers” that be really don’t know and that is the scary part. If our so called “leaders” of all of these countries don’t know than who is running things exactly? I think the truth is so bizarre and weird that all of the religions and governments would unravel right before our eyes of the truth was really revealed to the general public.

  22. What a quick and easy answer
    What a quick and easy answer to the alien/ufo problem. Did they really need a petition to deny one more time? I don’t expect any government to come clean about this complex lie that has been perpetrated on the human race now or in the future. It is too dangerous and involves far too many people, countries and years to unravel. So the lie just keeps going!!! And maybe the “powers” that be really don’t know and that is the scary part. If our so called “leaders” of all of these countries don’t know than who is running things exactly? I think the truth is so bizarre and weird that all of the religions and governments would unravel right before our eyes of the truth was really revealed to the general public.

  23. I signed the petition. Here

    I signed the petition. Here is the White House’s official response to me and others: Thanks for nothing…

    “Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet
    By Phil Larson who works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

    Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.

    The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.

    However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples:
    •SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI’s main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world.
    •Kepler is a NASA spacecraft in Earth orbit that’s main goal is to search for Earth-like planets. Such a planet would be located in the “Goldilocks” zone of a distant solar system—not too hot and not too cold—and could potentially be habitable by life as we know it. The Kepler mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-sized, rocky planets in or near the habitable zone of the star (sun) they orbit.
    •The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover’s onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.

    A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

    Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.

    But that’s all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.’

  24. I signed the petition. Here

    I signed the petition. Here is the White House’s official response to me and others: Thanks for nothing…

    “Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet
    By Phil Larson who works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

    Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.

    The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.

    However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples:
    •SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI’s main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world.
    •Kepler is a NASA spacecraft in Earth orbit that’s main goal is to search for Earth-like planets. Such a planet would be located in the “Goldilocks” zone of a distant solar system—not too hot and not too cold—and could potentially be habitable by life as we know it. The Kepler mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-sized, rocky planets in or near the habitable zone of the star (sun) they orbit.
    •The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover’s onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.

    A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

    Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.

    But that’s all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.’

  25. As a child, a memory of being
    As a child, a memory of being in the streets, somewhere, sometime, has lingered within my mind all through the years. It involves me standing beneath a street-light and looking-up at the light source from the lamp-head. Memories of saying verbally, or within my mind, “I will remember this moment forever,” still haunts me. In later life, my elder sister and I would discuss our experiences, when she suddenly recounted a memory, “You know Derek, I was a strange girl. I remember standing beneath a street-light, looking-up and saying, ‘I will remember this moment in time as long as I live’.”

    I believe the same applies to all genuine contactees – that ‘we’ experience and perceive as ‘one’. Therefore, I believe we should be investigating ourselves with questions – rather than focus our attention on something that is a cold stone. In understanding ‘why’ we are ‘one’ as a collective – will lead us to the truth of our identity. Once we understand who we are, then the world will understand us, and our role within the world.

    1. Very interesting story Derek
      Very interesting story Derek (Decker). And I doubt you and your sister were lying down and falling asleep while looking at the streetlight having an OBE…On a side note many UFO or encounter people have streetlights go out when passing under them…like Whitley.

  26. As a child, a memory of being
    As a child, a memory of being in the streets, somewhere, sometime, has lingered within my mind all through the years. It involves me standing beneath a street-light and looking-up at the light source from the lamp-head. Memories of saying verbally, or within my mind, “I will remember this moment forever,” still haunts me. In later life, my elder sister and I would discuss our experiences, when she suddenly recounted a memory, “You know Derek, I was a strange girl. I remember standing beneath a street-light, looking-up and saying, ‘I will remember this moment in time as long as I live’.”

    I believe the same applies to all genuine contactees – that ‘we’ experience and perceive as ‘one’. Therefore, I believe we should be investigating ourselves with questions – rather than focus our attention on something that is a cold stone. In understanding ‘why’ we are ‘one’ as a collective – will lead us to the truth of our identity. Once we understand who we are, then the world will understand us, and our role within the world.

    1. Very interesting story Derek
      Very interesting story Derek (Decker). And I doubt you and your sister were lying down and falling asleep while looking at the streetlight having an OBE…On a side note many UFO or encounter people have streetlights go out when passing under them…like Whitley.

  27. A denial by a low-level
    A denial by a low-level staffer. Unsurprising frankly.

  28. A denial by a low-level
    A denial by a low-level staffer. Unsurprising frankly.

  29. None of this is surprising to
    None of this is surprising to me—I would not expect any more or any less from our government. When I saw this story earlier today, it hardly registered on my radar. So, what else is new?

    Although I am not sure what is going on, ETs, interdimensional beings, time travelers, whatever, I am sure that what has been happening for perhaps thousands of years is real. I have had my own unexplained experiences, but I do not need validation from my government, politicians, or even the scientific community. I gave up on that a long time ago.

    I have reached a point where I still am avidly curious, but also resigned to the fact that things will unfold as they should, with or without disclosure by our government. Our government does not have the ability to balance a budget, end war, or take care of the needs of the vast majority of its people, especially the ones with little money, power, or influence, yet we expect disclosure on something as profound as life forms from another world?

    Go back and watch the movie ‘Contact’ one more time or read the book. That is the way it is. In some ways, expecting or demanding disclosure from our government empowers them by allowing them to hold the cards and determine what is real and also to keep us under their thumb.

    Words not heeded…


  30. None of this is surprising to
    None of this is surprising to me—I would not expect any more or any less from our government. When I saw this story earlier today, it hardly registered on my radar. So, what else is new?

    Although I am not sure what is going on, ETs, interdimensional beings, time travelers, whatever, I am sure that what has been happening for perhaps thousands of years is real. I have had my own unexplained experiences, but I do not need validation from my government, politicians, or even the scientific community. I gave up on that a long time ago.

    I have reached a point where I still am avidly curious, but also resigned to the fact that things will unfold as they should, with or without disclosure by our government. Our government does not have the ability to balance a budget, end war, or take care of the needs of the vast majority of its people, especially the ones with little money, power, or influence, yet we expect disclosure on something as profound as life forms from another world?

    Go back and watch the movie ‘Contact’ one more time or read the book. That is the way it is. In some ways, expecting or demanding disclosure from our government empowers them by allowing them to hold the cards and determine what is real and also to keep us under their thumb.

    Words not heeded…


  31. So they’re not
    So they’re not extraterrestrial. Maybe they are an evolved dinosaur. Or some other earth life form that has the ability to hide from humans. In those cases the government would not technically be lying to us with their statement while still being in communication with those forms of life.

  32. So they’re not
    So they’re not extraterrestrial. Maybe they are an evolved dinosaur. Or some other earth life form that has the ability to hide from humans. In those cases the government would not technically be lying to us with their statement while still being in communication with those forms of life.

  33. I am pleased of you
    I am pleased of you openmindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realml of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very week presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interestin, i dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. what do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings.

  34. I am pleased of you
    I am pleased of you openmindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realml of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very week presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interestin, i dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. what do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings.

  35. I am pleased of you open
    I am pleased of you open mindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realm of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very well presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interesting, I dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. What do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings. Those who are pro or against ET are wrong. Te intelligent thing is to search for answers,dig into as many sources as possible without believing – what a medieval word – with the probability in mind that we may never know on this lifetime.

  36. I am pleased of you open
    I am pleased of you open mindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realm of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very well presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interesting, I dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. What do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings. Those who are pro or against ET are wrong. Te intelligent thing is to search for answers,dig into as many sources as possible without believing – what a medieval word – with the probability in mind that we may never know on this lifetime.

  37. I am pleased of you open
    I am pleased of you open mindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realm of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very well presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interesting, I dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. What do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings. Those who are pro or against ET are wrong. Te intelligent thing is to search for answers,dig into as many sources as possible without believing – what a medieval word – with the probability in mind that we may never know on this lifetime.

  38. I am pleased of you open
    I am pleased of you open mindedness. The truth could be anything, something so far fetched that we cannot fathom at this stage of our evolution. I myself did not believe in ET-Believed-wondered-re-believed-wondered again . I prefer to hold an open mind to the impossible, because if I believe , I will be blind to other possible truth alternatives. Belief is the realm of religion and I try not to be blinded by any religion, be it scientific religion or otherwise. I just read The Daemon…” a very well presented case, except for a few too far fetched sub-theories about reality. Interesting, I dont commit to the books theory, i am in a state of openness. What do you think?

    So, I stay in a state of searching, probing and learning and unlearning. “You have said it many times indirectly, directly, bluntly and with your stance and writings. I guess your biggest battle is with your mind. You have to keep searching and never stay in a place of complacency. I read extensively and I try to keep abreast with many pockets of information because the truth will always make us free. It’s out there in many places and the quest to find it is a struggle against what appears to your mind as ” obvious”, challenging our intellect and feelings. Those who are pro or against ET are wrong. Te intelligent thing is to search for answers,dig into as many sources as possible without believing – what a medieval word – with the probability in mind that we may never know on this lifetime.

  39. There’s an important point
    There’s an important point that needs to be made about the petition: As soon as I read the answer, I knew it was written by an attorney, having studied law part-time for the past 11+ years. Look closely…they did not actually answer the specific question. Not at all. This is typical legal trickery, word/grammar abuse, happens with FOIL/FOIA requests all the time. The idea being, they want everyone to engage in the answer, just as most people are. That enables them to re-direct, instead of actually answering the original question directly.

  40. There’s an important point
    There’s an important point that needs to be made about the petition: As soon as I read the answer, I knew it was written by an attorney, having studied law part-time for the past 11+ years. Look closely…they did not actually answer the specific question. Not at all. This is typical legal trickery, word/grammar abuse, happens with FOIL/FOIA requests all the time. The idea being, they want everyone to engage in the answer, just as most people are. That enables them to re-direct, instead of actually answering the original question directly.

  41. Look, we know the government
    Look, we know the government is not ever going to admit anything regarding the extraterrestrial question. If they ever do, they would have to address why they have been lying to the public for over sixty years. Ain’t gonna happen. I personally don’t care what the government’s position is. I am so fed up with the lies, and not just about ET’s, that I consider the government irrelevent. It’s up to the ET’s themselves (or whatever they are) to disclose their existence. It has to be an in-your-face event or the rest of the public won’t buy it anyway. That will leave everyone looking back at the government (who will look like they wet their collective pants in public) expectantly for some kind of explanation. Then what will they say? I can’t wait to hear THAT one!

  42. Look, we know the government
    Look, we know the government is not ever going to admit anything regarding the extraterrestrial question. If they ever do, they would have to address why they have been lying to the public for over sixty years. Ain’t gonna happen. I personally don’t care what the government’s position is. I am so fed up with the lies, and not just about ET’s, that I consider the government irrelevent. It’s up to the ET’s themselves (or whatever they are) to disclose their existence. It has to be an in-your-face event or the rest of the public won’t buy it anyway. That will leave everyone looking back at the government (who will look like they wet their collective pants in public) expectantly for some kind of explanation. Then what will they say? I can’t wait to hear THAT one!

  43. Why ask for disclosure from
    Why ask for disclosure from the White House? They are probably not considered to have a “need to know,” and would not be briefed on this subject unless a specific incident required a decision from the executive branch. It is one thing to say you have no information on this subject, but how can you make a blanket statement that none exists when you are not considered to be on a need-to-know basis and the information is compartmentalized? Also, what about the FOIA lawsuit in federal court, when the court ruled the government did not have to disclose information requested in the FOIA lawsuit, based on the “national security” exclusion to the FOIA.

  44. Why ask for disclosure from
    Why ask for disclosure from the White House? They are probably not considered to have a “need to know,” and would not be briefed on this subject unless a specific incident required a decision from the executive branch. It is one thing to say you have no information on this subject, but how can you make a blanket statement that none exists when you are not considered to be on a need-to-know basis and the information is compartmentalized? Also, what about the FOIA lawsuit in federal court, when the court ruled the government did not have to disclose information requested in the FOIA lawsuit, based on the “national security” exclusion to the FOIA.

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