I had an unusually vivid dream at about three this morning. (August 5, 2012) In it, I was observing a committee of some sort discussing the way that the Nazis had created the deception that Polish border guards had attacked Germans in September of 1939, and used this as a pretext for invading Poland. The discussion involved the use of women in some sort of subterfuge that would justify the use of nuclear weapons.

I can’t say who was in this meeting, but I had the impression that it involved people from a number of different countries. They were laughing and having a good time. But it was a meeting about the ultimate terrorist act, no question.

Normally, I wouldn’t bother to record a dream, but this one had a kind of ‘taste’ to it that I found very disturbing. On a few very rare occasions in my life, I’ve had awareness of things happening at a distance–people talking, events taking place, that sort of thing–that have turned out to be real. A few prophecies have come true, especially from my books Nature’s End and Superstorm. 

I don’t know if this means anything. I hope it doesn’t. I just felt a need to record it.

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  1. The scum rises and the
    The scum rises and the innocent often get hurt.

  2. Whitley, I think it is a good
    Whitley, I think it is a good idea to post this info, sometimes it stops the perpetrators from going through with their plans, because they know that eyes are watching them now. My favorite book of yours is Nature’s End- it reverberated through me clear to the bone. After reading the nbcnews headline today about the confirmation of man made global warming, I feel as if I’ve been dropped into the middle of that book. Yikes!

  3. That book was laughed at in
    That book was laughed at in 1984 when it was published–by the country’s leading environmental reporters at a news conference in Washington, no less. Now it’s coming true. Superstorm was laughed at when it was published. Now it’s considered a serious possibility. Too late? I hope not!

  4. Whitley, might I suggest you
    Whitley, might I suggest you going back into the dream and ask for more information or clarification…..Or as a subscriber effort, those that choose too can go into a shared group effort and treat it as if…..”IT WAS MY DREAM.” THEN, dream it.

  5. Lord let this nightmare end!,
    Lord let this nightmare end!, of course cognitive dissonance will always end up being the reality– we won’t look at the facts no! Help us ohh Lord` ss all we can do! L.!

  6. Some sort of nuclear exchange
    Some sort of nuclear exchange is looking more and more likely thanks to the increasingly delusional pronouncements of Ayatollah Khamenei and his mouthpiece, Amadenajahd. I only hope Putin can keep his mitts out of it, if and when…

    1. Iran has not invaded another
      Iran has not invaded another country for over 200 years.How many countries has the U.S. invaded in the last decade?
      Iran is being purposely marginalized and systematically attacked,whether it’s by sending computer viruses through it’s defense systems or having it’s nuclear scientists assassinated by Israel and the U.S.
      The required result is that eventually Iran will hit back giving a false justification for an all out war.Remember the all time classic—W.M.D. for invading Iraq.
      We are guaranteed certain death if we do not evolve sharply in this next century,only wars and nukes are desired by Demons and they may well be the cause of our extinction.It’s not the Iranians it’s every single one of us.

  7. The “polar clock” crop circle
    The “polar clock” crop circle that appeared in early June in the UK had a date of August 4, 2012 at about 5:45pm GMT (see http://www.temporarytemples.co.uk/blog/the-manton-grove-polar-clock/ ). You don’t know if it’s a cosmic joke on someone’s birthday, a predictive date, or a series of numbers. But that crop circle was pretty straightforward to me. After wondering for months, it seemed to pass quietly here in the US and UK. I spent some of the day watching the AP news ticker as multiple small, but significant, events unfolded in the Middle East. The pilgrim kidnappings, border terrorists, Iran launching the Prophet missile, etc. I tried not to read too much into events, after all it’s a mess over there for hundreds of years, but this feeling of dreadful convergence is still with me. Who knows what leaders sat down the evening of August 4 and decided it was time for serious reprisals, or maybe serious peace? Let’s hope the latter.

  8. By giving attention to
    By giving attention to anything, the outcome is affected. (Is the cat dead, alive, or in both states in the box?) I believe this is one of the reasons why prophecy is so ‘hit-or-miss’ and cannot be relied on most of the time.

    In this case, there is a very strong possibility that the dream was really remote viewing, and I think that by putting it out there, Whitley may be influencing the outcome, but in ways that we may never know.

    So…If you use Twitter, this the perfect thing to put out there.

  9. I think it’s useful to think
    I think it’s useful to think about these things. I, too, have had similar experiences throughout my life (i.e., “I’ve had awareness of things happening at a distance–people talking, events taking place, that sort of thing–that have turned out to be real. (A number of my) prophecies have come true.”)

    I have never been able to prevent any of my “premonitions” from coming true, though. I have wondered if there was something I was supposed to DO with this early information. It has never been a metaphor; it has always literally happened, just as I’ve “seen” it.

    Is it some sort of reassurance that things are proceeding as they need to toward an outcome we don’t yet know?

  10. If you believe that we are
    If you believe that we are all God, then God doesn’t care any more (or any less) than we do. Pray all you like, but until WE do something, nothing will be done.

  11. Let’s hope this isn’t one of
    Let’s hope this isn’t one of them. If it is, may their plot be brought to nothing! Except of course, for exposure to the light of day so all will see it undeniably for what it is.

  12. Hmm thats is interesting. I
    Hmm thats is interesting. I have been hearing things on the internet about the government holding urban warfare/gun confiscation drills in the US recently with police stating they are going to have to be prepared for an “october surprise”. Speculation range from a huge terrorist attack to economic collapse. Perhaps there is something to Whitley’s dream? We shall see……

  13. Roughly 18 months ago, I was
    Roughly 18 months ago, I was catnapping at the side of the A5 road in the UK, just south of Milton Keynes, near the Flying Fox pub, in my vehicle, facing south. As I began to wake up, I had a tremendously clear image in my mind’s eye of an enormous mushroom cloud to the south of me. Using Google Earth to align that road-side pull in with the image of the mushroom cloud, it’s clear that the cloud appeared to be over London, east London, I would say. I’d estimate the cloud to have been at least 30,000 feet high. Now, just last week, I had a strong mental image as I was waking up, of St Paul’s cathedral and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The St Paul’s image reminded me of a famous photograph of St Paul’s taken during the Blitz. The Eiffel Tower had a very strong bright white light behind it, like a flash going off. I hope to goodness that none of this happens. One imagines that Iran would no doubt get the blame.

  14. If Iran gets the blame, it
    If Iran gets the blame, it will cease to exist as a nation.

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