Can you imagine what would happen if almost anybody else in politics cried all the time? Pelosi moved to tears? Gingrich moved to tears? Somehow, I don’t think so. Obama moved to tears. No. Condi Rice moved to tears? Remote maybe.
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It’s difficult to not be mean
It’s difficult to not be mean considering what his name turns my mind to and what he seems to want to do to the earth.
Tears? Really? Good grief!!!
But we are all on our way to enlightenment.
But we are all on our way to enlightenment.
But we are all on our way to enlightenment.
No matter what our suicidal death wish.
What is he (Bohner)? ” A
What is he (Bohner)? ” A girlie man” ?
Sorry couldn’t resist using a
Sorry couldn’t resist using a nasty republican political phrase on a nasty republican politician. 🙂
I LOVE it!!!! Esp. when
I LOVE it!!!! Esp. when talking about a creature whos name does not really rhyme with “trainer” (!) Perhaps he cannot achieve a “bayner” and that’s why it cries so much lol. And I’m not going to apologize about saying that….. Some might even say I’m a…. well, it rhymes with “brick” 😉