It’s very disturbing to see the dire warnings in ‘Superstorm’ and ‘the Day After Tomorrow’ come true. A haunting and frightening experience. How I wish we’d been listened to instead of laughed at by the likes of Matt Lauer. The hour is very late, I fear.

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  1. Part of this system blasted
    Part of this system blasted through here in Central Texas very early this morning. We will have below freezing temperatures in the teens at night, and lots of wind and extreme cold during the day too. We may even get snow flurries here on Friday. We had a full day of snow last year, which was unusual, but two years in a row? Highly unusual…

  2. Weirdest feeling is seeing
    Weirdest feeling is seeing the President’s motorcade stopped and delayed by the storm (2nd time recently I think), and the same storm gumming up the works for the Superbowl. Too damn much like a Whitely Strieber “novel” for comfort.

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