Last night in our chat room, the subject of the Shroud of Turin came up briefly, and one of the chatters pointed out some of the striking similarities between the marks on the Shroud and those on the Sudarium of Ovieto, which is supposed to be the cloth with which Veronica wiped the face of Jesus, or perhaps the cloth with which his face was covered before he was placed in the tomb.
I’ve been thinking a great deal about Jesus over the past couple of days, because of the fragment that has been revealed that suggests that he had a wife. This goes against Catholic belief, but that doesn’t concern me. In fact, why wouldn’t he have had a wife? And children. And as far as the virgin birth is concerned, scholars believe that his actual birth month was probably September–that is to say, during Virgo. Thus the ‘virgin birth.’ (His birth is celebrated in December in order that it would replace all of the many pagan solstice celebrations that took place starting four days after the solstice, when it was certain that the sun was indeed returning from it’s long winter sojourn.)
I’ve had an interest in the Shroud ever since I met Fr. Peter Rinaldi and the original team who did the first study of it. In all the years of debate, I have yet to see a successful debunking of the Shroud, and now these correspondences with the Sudarium further support its authenticity.
For example, the nose of the Man of the Shroud is exactly 3 inches long. The nose on the face that was wiped with the Sudarium was also three inches long. And the blood on both is type AB.
Here is the Sudarium link our chatter mentioned, from
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Any wonder non-religious
Any wonder non-religious people are puzzled by religion? There must be something in religion that appeals to the non-logical/creative side of the brain, if not religion was created with that purpose (as a Roman trap)? It would be so interesting to know the truth about the spirituality of advanced aliens – do they know it all or is there anything they believe in.
I was raised Catholic, but
I was raised Catholic, but the truth is I never found or felt the bond to Jesus that so many people describe. There seems to be plenty of evidence that Jesus is mythical, and to date I don’t think there is any proof that he actually existed. It certainly seems like most of the people who claim to have found Jesus or have a “personal relationship” with him appear to be damaged goods in a way, often working to overcome some kind of checkered past. The other category of course are those who use their claimed belief as a base for power, like evangelists.
And so it’s tempting to just believe the bumper sticker, “Jesus = Imaginary Friend”. However, I leave it in question, and there is something at least about the concept of Jesus that is very compelling. I don’t think it was ever brought out as strongly in me as in this recently released, mostly wordless, animated and abstractly symbolic video production (watch in high def with a good sound system if you can, the music is wonderful):
IMO, it seems to embody the kind of transformation of humanity that Whitley and many others here are expecting. The first minute or so might seem like you got the wrong link, but trust me.
Whitley, this is Fr. Thomas,
Whitley, this is Fr. Thomas, a Catholic monk in Berkeley, CA. I don’t think anyone need worry about a “married Jesus”: nothing in the Bible or elsewhere excludes the possibility. We only know that, at about thirty years of age, he took to the road, to heal and teach, and he had no family with him. Was he a widower? I’ve thought this at times, and if so, the experience made him even more compassionate (see the story about the widow of Naim). As for Mary Magdalene… again, how can we prove she married Jesus? The point is, he was fully human and fully divine, and the two natures are not mixed or confused; they are united. Just my feelings; I share them with you and others, whose opinions I respect absolutely.
powerful video even though I
powerful video even though I don’t undastan most of it.
Whitley, Father Rinaldi was
Whitley, Father Rinaldi was my parrish priest in Port Chester, N.Y. At Corpus Christi Church. There was a replica of the Shroud to the right when you first entered the church. Where did you meet Father Rinaldi? He was a wonderful, caring man. I grew up around the corner from the church and my father was very involved.
I’m not sure how you can tell
I’m not sure how you can tell how Jesus was married from looking at the shroud, but as an Episcopalian, I feel that He would be much more approachable and easier to relate to if He were married. I don’t care who His children were or who the decsendants are now. I seems logical that Mary Magdalene would hang around throughout his life if there were a bond between them that went farther than just one between savior and saved.
I’ve been thinking about this
I’ve been thinking about this for a while. If the shroud of Turin is really the burial cloth of Jesus (& not a renaissance hoax) & Jesus was washed before he was put in the tomb–and the shroud has blood & sweat on it–that means when Jesus was put in the tomb, he was still alive–because dead men don’t bleed or sweat. Think about it!