I’m going to be describing my own UFO sighting of last week on Coast to Coast AM tonight, and also talking about other sightings and close encounter cases that have happened recently, as well as a number of unknown cases from the past that are quite incredible. The illustration below was made by somebody who just had an extraordinary sighting in the Bay Area a few days ago. It illustrates what he saw.
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A while ago I wrote a post
A while ago I wrote a post about a book I read where aliens were thinking of using a weapon of “stupidity” against the human race to prevent us from having another war. You asked the name of the book but I couldn’t remember .Turns out I was thinking about the wrong book anyway. I was re reading a book and came across this weapon, or “method” as they call it. Page 119-120.The book is called The Way Station by Clifford D. Simak. It is about a way station that the Galactic Central sets up on earth.
A while ago I wrote a post
A while ago I wrote a post about a book I read where aliens were thinking of using a weapon of “stupidity” against the human race to prevent us from having another war. You asked the name of the book but I couldn’t remember .Turns out I was thinking about the wrong book anyway. I was re reading a book and came across this weapon, or “method” as they call it. Page 119-120.The book is called The Way Station by Clifford D. Simak. It is about a way station that the Galactic Central sets up on earth.
One of my best friends has a
One of my best friends has a sister that i’m friendly with and she told me a story about a sighting in the middle of a large city in the middle of the day.She was walking along a high street in Manchester England with her three kids when she looked above a store and saw a metallic ball sitting there.She excitedly pointed it out to other people but she said they were terrified and were saying don’t look at it,keep walking etc.She said the people were acting erratic and nonsensical almost as if they were under some kind of mind control and they seemed to be familiar with whatever it was at some unconscious level.Her three kids who were children at the time can still remember the incident.
I’ve had my own sightings and it seemed they were specifically there for me to see.I watched a show in England in about 1998 on U.F.O’s and said aloud”i would love to see one”and 2-3 months later on the way to work a saw a classic flying saucer hovering above the factory where i was employed.I emigrated a year later and was stood in Heathrow airport about to board the plane when i was questioning my decision on leaving my family and friends behind,i thought to myself i would love some kind of sign to know i’m doing the right thing when instantly a large ball/orb flew down the runway and did an abrupt U-turn and zipped off in the direction it came from.
I recently read “The Mothman Prophecies”by John Keel which is a fascinating book and discovered that whatever presence was involved in the paranormal activities in West Virginia always seemed to know what he was thinking and played tricks on him to prove it.It’s true that whatever is involved is and are the masters of deception.The best lessons i learnt in life were people deceiving me intentionally to teach me something,the lessons handed to me stuck with me.Perhaps that’s what’s going on.We learn better by deceit than honesty.And it challenges the mind more to make the next step in evolution.And i say “perhaps” because it is all guess work….but.
“The Master Of The Key” really got me thinking recently as his referral to”an elusive Alien presence”being an intelligent machine that was playing tricks with us.It reminds me of this,what is the smartest animal on the planet?The one that man doesn’t know exists.And i could stretch it further by adding what is the cleverest predator on the planet?The one whose host doesn’t know they exist.There is a massive amount of deception going on from all levels,from government and from them whatever they may be.Are they predators or they challenging us to rise to the next level.The level of free interaction?