The one thing that is not being made clear about WikiLeaks is how they are getting the files that they are releasing. How in the world could a supposedly small group like that obtain 250,000 classified US diplomatic cables? Where did they come from? Who released them and how? I know enough about our security systems to know that, since 911, classified documents have been well protected. Something is deeply wrong somewhere and, as usual, the public isn’t being told.

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  1. Yes! Also why absolutely no
    Yes! Also why absolutely no UFO documents?? We know they exist. Is it just because it doesn’t fit in with the preferred belief structure of the Wikileaks group? Or something else?

  2. I’ve been reading on this
    I’ve been reading on this subject all weekend. None of these documents were classified top secret. The docs were available on a network that is accessible to 3+million US MIl/State Dept staff. This what happens when a 23 year old soldier in Iraq has 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, to spend reading on a classified, but below top secret network, SIPRNET, where he had read/write priviledges. The link below gives a clean overview.

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