Whitley’s Critical Mass radio tour
February 28, 2009Listen to Whitley’s WILD Critical Mass Author Tour as He Talks to Radio Stations Across the Nation.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Crop Circle Meditation Eight & Nine
March 1, 2008Whitley Strieber presents the final two meditations in his "Crop Circle" series. The meditations are called "Meditating with the Living" and "Meditating with the Dead." They are something completely new. There has never been anything like them. Please note that the interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell he makes reference to in Meditation 9 will appear ...continued
Crop Circle Meditation Seven
December 29, 2007Whitley Strieber’s seventh meditation in the crop circle series. In this meditation, he demonstrates how to extend meditative awareness out of the body. The technique works whether you are able to have OBEs or not, and is the precursor to the two final meditations in the series: meditating with the souls of the living, and ...continued
Whitley Strieber on Our Pyschic Organ
September 16, 2006Whitley Strieber shows us how to use the psychic tool that Dean Radin describes in Dreamland. He explains exactly what it is, how it is part of the nervous system and, above all, how to have a sensation of it and use it psychically.
Whitley reads The Grays: Chapter Three
August 19, 2006We meet Katelyn and Dan as adults, now married and coping with a most unusual child, Conner. The Grays reappear in their lives…
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Whitley reads The Grays: Chapter Two
August 12, 2006Whitley Strieber reads Chapter Two of his new book, the Grays. We meet empath Lauren Glass and come into contact with a gray in government captivity known as "Adam."
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Whitley reads The Grays: Chapter One
August 12, 2006Whitley Strieber reads Chapter One of his new book, the Grays. Dan and Katelyn are abducted as children.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Unpublished Close Encounters: Part 3
April 1, 2006Whitley Strieber has been attempting to create an audio record of experiences that he has not yet written about, and this week tops them all. He tells of seeing other worlds in a sort of educational experience in 1997 that revealed exactly what worlds somewhat worse off and somewhat better off than ...continued
Unpublished Close Encounters: Part 2
February 25, 2006Whitley Strieber has been describing more of his close encounter experiences for us. The last narrative, presented for our subscribers two weeks ago, was unforgettable. This week, he tells about the ‘guardian’ who lived behind their upstate New York cabin for years after his early close encounter experience–and then followed them to Texas when ...continued
Unpublished Close Encounters: Part 1
February 11, 2006Whitley Strieber begins his series on his unpublished close encounter experiences this week in our subscriber section. He describes a completely unforgettable series of encounters, including one in an apartment in New York City! For anybody interested in understanding what it’s like to live in a close-encounter relationship, this is must listening.
NOTE: This show summary, ...continued