The Key: Part Seven
January 1, 2004Whitley talks about the material in the Key about sudden climate change and the uncanny way the Master of the Key’s statements made in 1998 were considered scientific fact just a few years later. Ever wondered who the Master of the Key was? Well, you’ll REALLY be wondering after this one!
NOTE: This show summary, previously ...continued
Easter 2004 Special: Anne & Whitley read Gospels of Luke, John
January 1, 2004As their Easter gift to you, Whitley and Anne Strieber read the Easter story from the Gospels of Luke and John. Whitley reads Luke 14-16 from the King James Version, and Anne reads John 20 from the Unvarnished Gospels. Don’t miss their powerful readings of Gospels they love.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our ...continued
The Key: Part Six
January 1, 2004The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has warned that the Gulf Stream is in danger of failing. Whitley goes back to the section of the Key that explained ice ages and warned of climactic catastrophe, and finds that the Master of the Key was exactly correct about what is likely to be the greatest environmental catastrophe ...continued
Whitley Strieber’s 1986 Hypnosis Sessions 1 and 2
January 1, 2004In March of 1986, Whitley Strieber underwent two hypnosis sessions by one of the leading forensic hypnotists in the world, Dr. Donald Klein. These are the tapes of those sessions. The first is shocking and contains screams of terror. It should not be listened to by children or those whom it might disturb. The long ...continued
The Key, Part Five
January 1, 2004Whitley returns to his discussion of the Key with an exploration of some of the most incredible ideas in the document, including the concept that we may eventually be in the position of helping another world to evolve as the visitors are helping us now. Includes some amazing personal stories of his attempts to find ...continued
The Key, Part Four
January 1, 2004Whitley remembers the parts of his discussion with the Master of the Key that challenged him to ask the question, who am I? He describes the journey of self-discovery that resulted when the master challenged him to forget his own name, and he demonstrates just how he did that. ...continued
The Key, Part Three
January 1, 2004In this edition of Whitley’s ongoing exploration of what was going through his mind as he talked with the Master of the Key, he discusses the nature of resurrection and the amazing insights into the nature of afterlife and ecstasy that must be behind some of the master’s statements.
NOTE: ...continued
The Key, Part Two
January 1, 2004Whitley continues his intimate exploration of the Key, explaining his understanding of what the Master of the Key meant when he described what it is like to die and what happens in the afterlife. He also discusses some powerful material from the book about the nature of the soul and ...continued
The Key, Part One
January 1, 2004
Whitley Strieber explores the deepest inner meanings of the words of the Master of the Key. He speaks here more intimately and frankly than he ever has before, revealing secrets that do not appear anywhere in his writings. A powerful and beautiful forty-five minutes.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may ...continued