Book Cover: Communion
Part of the Communion Series series:

Communion is the iconic classic in which Whitley Strieber describes his 1985 close encounter experiences. This book, which fundamentally changed the way we understand close encounters and alien abductions, is presented here with a new introduction by the author.

The message of Communion, that something unknown is really happening to people but that we have not studied it enough to understand it, remains as timely now as it was in 1987 when the book was first published. And Whitley Strieber's riveting account of what he experienced, along with his relentless and expert pursuit of the reality behind the experience, is to this day the greatest such account ever published.

Do not miss this great classic and the powerful introduction that explores the situation as it stands today--even more provocative now, as official sources are admitting that UFOs are real unknowns and that they seem to have something to do with close encounters.

Now available as a Kindle, a Paperback AND an Audiobook. Click on the Amazon link to order. For a signed hardcover, click on the autographed copy link.

Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. I love the new render and am assuming that the eyes of the being have been altered for this version. Or does the original portrait look like this and the eyes we have been used to the altered ones?

    Interestingly, this version gives a strong feline impression IMO, and the other is distinctly insect.

    Congratulations on the reissue of a true classic!!!

  2. Howdy Mr Strieber, I was just about to order the latest print of Communion from Amazon UK when it occurred to me to ask if there’s any way I can order an autographed copy? I’ll gladly pay any extra postage from US to UK. I understand it may not be possible but no harm in asking. If it can’t be done then I’ll just order from British Amazon.

    My 90’s copy of Communion is old and tattered, plus I’m excited that you’ve added a new introduction. Bless your heart.


    1. Author

      I’ll be glad to sign a copy. Send it to Whitley Strieber, 1112 Montana Ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90403, USA with a postage-paid return envelope.

      1. Thank you Mr Strieber, I appreciate that. Will enclose a Postage Paid Envelope as requested.


      2. Dear Mr. Strieber – I also would like to have your inscription in my copy of Communion (First Edition) purchased in 1987. Does the same apply for others as well? Mail it to you with postage-paid return? I’m also waiting to purchase the new edition from the UknownCountry store, once it’s available in Hardcover.

      3. I copied International Morse and American Morse code for USAF and other Agencies. I haven’t had able to hear it in your broadcasts yet. But I will continue to listen for it. OK by you? I am so focused on your voice that I filter out the transient noise! Probably better to do that anyway.

  3. Whitley, I am SO glad to see that you were victorious in restoring your right to republish this book. Just bought the Kindle version. (Money’s super tight right now due to the exorbitant cost of food & gas, as I’m sure you know.)

    On another note, you need to raise the cost of membership and stop giving away 2/3 of the show. Most other podcasts — who don’t have a tenth of your content — charge more than double and only share half the show for free.

    Your hosting fees must be exorbitant! YOU DESERVE AN INCREASE. I’m sure most subscribers will stick with you — I know I will continue to support you, regardless of expense.

  4. Author

    It is the wish of the visitors that as much be free as possible. So I kind of just scrape along. I have wondered why they don’t figure out some way to get me money like winning the lottery but apparently that’s not on the cards. I would assume they can’t affect chance that much.

  5. Hmm, I queued for half an hour at my local (UK) Post office today to be informed that they cannot provide or arrange return postage for a copy of Communion to be sent to you with postage paid that the US Postal Service would accept. Phew..ok….

    Is there any way I can make a donation (in advance of sending) to UC to cover the postage (plus a chunk more for your time) Mr Strieber? I’ll gladly make a donation, say $100 to cover return postage and contribute to Unknown Country.

    Your show has formed my Saturday morning’s since 2002 and a signed copy for me would be worth ten times that amount. I understand that you’re busy but I’m currently short of a solution as I’ve also been warned that US Postal Service doesn’t accept International Reply Coupons (which was the only other alternative return postage method).

    Ideas? FedEx would be five times the price of using US Postal service methinks.. Aye carumba.

    It’d be perfect if we could order an autographed copy straight off UC? It seems to me that the new issue of Communion with a new introduction as an autographed copy, posted internationally (at cost) could make UC quite a few quid (bucks).

    Bless your heart.



  6. Ok, here’s an extra penny’s worth.

    I absolutely understand that the life above us, the visitors, the family, call it higher understand, the tapestry of consciousness, whatever you will, requires as much to be free as possible to open minds and that’s terrific. Makes sense.

    However, IMHO, a signed copy of Communion, sold through this website would be a special something, perhaps a gift, perhaps a collectors piece. It would be a treasured collectable.

    Personally, I would suggest a basic price, say, $40/50 Paperback for a signed copy with the option of making an extra donation on top for UC though this may clash with tax exemption for donations, obviously.

    Chances here to capitalise on your exclusivity, yet I understand that there are important peripheral considerations.

    Currently, there don’t appear to be any ways to buy an autographed copy of Communion. Bless your hearts for being so transparent but I’d think it a win win situation for everyone should that change.


  7. Author

    We are planning to sell signed hardcovers through the site. They are still in preparation.

    1. I am so happy to hear that. My old tattered paperback will do for now until available.

      Amazon is convenient, but I rather have more of my dollar go directly to you by buying copies from your site.

  8. Please let us know when the signed hardcovers are available, would love to have one!

  9. Author

    The printer is taking their time with the hard cover. I’ve got a copy and it’s beautiful, but an author copy is not a sales copy. I have been waiting and waiting for it to appear on Amazon.

  10. I think you are on to a winner with signed hardcovers sold direct from your website.

    This us the only place in the world where you can buy a new signed copy of Communion. Again, thank you for doing this.

    I hope you get so many orders that your hair stands on end trying to keep up.

  11. Recently finished the audiobook. Really an incredible listening experience. I first read the book when it came out in 1987, and several more times over the years, but hearing Whitley read the text just takes it to a whole other level. I can’t recommend it highly enough, even if you’ve previously read the book.
    I’m also looking forward to the hardcover edition coming out (Is that still happening?) I recently discovered that my 1987 hardcover is gone, I think accidentally mixed in with some books I donated when I moved to a smaller apartment last year. I still remember seeing that cover out of the corner of my eye on the NEW shelf at my local bookstore, and buying a copy immediately. Can’t really replace that one, but getting the new edition will be the next best thing.

    1. Daniel, you reminded me of my own bookstore discovery moment back in the late 90’s. I was in the basement book section of WHSmith’s in the UK. I’d just moved to a new, somewhat unpopular town in the South of England and my Saturday mornings were a strange mix of unfamiliar faces and places.

      I quite literally didn’t know anyone in that town and was scrambling through my spare time from work in a haphazard manner to say the least.

      Can still recall looking at the bottom shelf of a bookcase and seeing a green book staring up at me and that book happened to be Carlos Castaneda’s ‘A Separate Reality’. Reaching down, I picked up the book and in that split second my entire life changed.

      Thinking back, I’m sure someone was standing behind me, but I don’t doubt that no one would have seen anyone there had they been looking.

      Eventually absorbing every single written word Carlos Castaneda ever produced, I met the man in a powerful out of body experience not long after he had died. I wasn’t sure it was him at the time but I worked it out because of who was with him.

      He had white hair which I was completely unaware of until years later and with him was a sneering awkward little blonde bobbed haired female (who was snidely making fun of me) who I subsequently worked out was Florida Donner or whatever her real name was. I think she committed suicide not after he died because she was quite young, maybe 36. Anyway, they did survive, albeit awkwardly.

      I asked him in my drunken form, with very clumsy movements on my part, if he was Carlos, he replied saying either ‘I’m his other’ or ‘I’m his brother’, not sure.

      I awoke and not long after was guided to Communion. Here we all are, all these years later, grateful for grace and particularly grateful for the patience of the Goddess our Mother and Sister, our best friend.


  12. Howdy everyone;

    Are signed hardcovers available yet?
    Impatient? Absolutely!!


  13. Me again I’m afraid..

    Where can I buy a signed copy of the new version of Communion? Keeping my eye on this but falling short of an opportunity.


  14. Author

    Send a copy to me at Whitley Strieber, 1112 Montana Ave., Santa Monica, CA, 90403. I will be glad to sign copies. Also, there will be a hard cover of the new edition out on Amazon shortly if it’s not there already.

    We can’t set up a storefront to sell signed copies without having to jack the price up to something like $42 per book from that store. This is because of all of the shipping costs involved.

  15. I’ll look into sending via UPS with a return postage fee. British Royal Mail have been most unhelpful.


  16. Ok, after a considerable runaround with British parcel carriers who are quoting upto $250 for a book to be sent to Mr Strieber and returned, I have to ask for there to be a simple EXPSENSIVE option for foreign buyers of Communion.

    Look, I’ll pay $100 postage happily as long as I know the book I bought didn’t have to fly twice across the Atlantic. I’m a Brit and am happy to pay sh**loads for a genuine autographed copy of Communion posted direct from America. Can we consider this please? Bless you all.


  17. Author

    We’re trying to work out foreign sales. Please be patient.

  18. I am delighted to have received my autographed hardcover of Communion. Thank you so much for making a signed copy available through the Unknown Country store.

    Your postage from US to Britain was perfectly priced. I will treasure this book for the rest of my life, thank you. I am absolutely over the moon.


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