Throughout history, folklore, and mystery, tales have circulated of massive stones being moved through the air effortlessly by sound. Bizarre? Well, yes, it is. That doesn’t take away the fact that sound was, and still remains, the key to the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, the stone figures of Easter Island, and the massive stones at Baalbek, Lebanon. Were they the work of ancient humans or of equally ancient extraterrestrials?
How Antigravity Built the Pyramids delves into specific stories and theories:

  • A 9th-century story of a mysterious papyrus with the power to move large stones at the Giza Necropolis
  • The Mayan story of the construction of the Pyramid of the Magician said to be overseen by a small humanoid who could whistle large stones into place
  • Native American stories of ancient priests being able to make stones light to move easily

Author Nick Redfern argues it was not literally music and whistling that somehow raised large stones, but both have one thing in common: sound. Acoustics. Almost certainly, acoustic levitation was at the heart of these incredible feats.



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